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gen. freeload (After college, he freeloaded off his parents for several years before finally moving out. 4uzhoj); neck up
Игорь Миг get a free ride; be a freeloader
fig.of.sp. live off (Grown children continue to live off their parents. Из статьи Мишель Берди Sit, Stand and Be Merry, TMT, • Jul. 23 2015 VLZ_58)
idiom. be a drain on someone's pocket (Andrey Truhachev); sponge on (someone Andrey Truhachev); mooch off of (Enrica)
inf. leech off (у кого-либо – off someone ithaka); scrounge off (у кого-либо – off someone Anglophile); sponge off (у кого-либо, пользуясь их добротой) Hey, come you you live in my house, you sponging off me and keep telling me what I'm supposed to do? x-z)
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fig.of.sp. feed on
idiom. be an albatross around one's neck (gauma)
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: 23 phrases in 7 subjects
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