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gen. make move out
inf. edge out; force out
gen. shake; become friendly with; get used to
| с
el. centi-
| мыслью
gen. thought

verb | verb | to phrases
сживаться vstresses
gen. shake; become friendly with; get used to
Gruzovik, inf. get used to (impf of сжиться); grow accustomed to (impf of сжиться)
inf. get used (to); grow accustomed (to); make friends with (with с + instr.)
сживать v
gen. make someone move out (by making life unbearable)
Gruzovik, inf. edge out (impf of сжить); force out (impf of сжить); oust (impf of сжить)
inf. edge out; force out
: 9 phrases in 2 subjects