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adjective | verb | verb | verb | verb | to phrases
сдающий adj.stresses
gen. shuffler (в карточной игре; сущ. Gruzovik); the dealer (при игре в карты; сущ. Gruzovik); card dealer (сущ. Gruzovik); relinquent; passer
Gruzovik, cards card dealer
math., punch.card. dealer (карты; сущ. Gruzovik)
сдавать v
сдать; сдавать кровь; сдавать карты; сдавать экзамены
gen. deliver; deliver up (крепость и т. п.); give in (о нервах, his nerves gave in Tamerlane); give way (о механизме, здоровье); file (сдавать декларацию по НДС = file a VAT return Alexander Demidov); discard (в утиль; отработанный материал Soulbringer); deliver up (крепость); give in (документы); desert (территорию); surrender; yield; pass; check (в камеру хранения, в гардероб, в багаж и т. п.); register; return; decay; scrap; lease; render (часто render up); abandon; donate (кровь Dimpassy); deal off (карты); resign; put (in storage); bring back; blow the whistle on (sb., sth.); blow up (игру); bow out; hand sth. in (что-л.); hand in (что-л.: Time to hand in your tests, class. • Which teachers consistently give you work to hand in every week and which teachers are more focused on the midterm/final?); cede (территорию); relinquish (территорию и т. п.); break down (о здоровье); give way (о здоровье); yield up; pass in; deal round (карты); get by (экзамен); get through; slow up; submit (отчёт, работу anealin); let out; rent out (квартиру 4uzhoj); betray; cash in (one's train ticket, flight, etc VLZ_58); deliver (4uzhoj); narc on (You don't narc on your friends 'cause they're all you got. Mikhail.Brodsky); diminish (ослабевать Abysslooker); file (архив); tip (в значении "доносить"); let; rent
Gruzovik hire out; give up; decline; weaken; begin to fail; take an examination
Игорь Миг cave in; rat (кого-либо)
amer. check (в гардероб)
brit., ed. go in for (экзамен: The other day he went in for a driving license exam. – На днях он сдавал экзамен на права. TarasZ)
cards make (карты); decline (in health); age; break down; of cold, heat, etc. abate
construct. let (работы)
dipl. sell out (Alex_Odeychuk); be selling out (Alex_Odeychuk)
ed. sit for (экзамен) Внимание! Пара "sit for an exam – готовиться к экзамену" – это распространенное аракинское заблуждение: sit for означает просто "сдавать" wordpress.com 4uzhoj)
fig. creak (под воздействием чего-либо Abysslooker); jade (ослабевать Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, cards deal
Gruzovik, inf. give out; crack up
inf. sell (в значении "предавать кого-то противнику" Elizash)
lit. turn in (nouray)
Makarov. check in (в багаж в гардероб в камеру хранения и т. п.); lodge (в банк на хранение); submit (передавать); surrender (передавать); deliver over (город, крепость); deliver up (город, крепость); get through (экзамен); give way (о механизме); hand in (возвращать, передавать); hand over (передавать); hand something over for something (в эксплуатацию); knock up; render up; slow down; slow off; turn in (возвращать, передавать); turn something over for something (в эксплуатацию)
Makarov., mil. hand out
Makarov., nautic. turn over
math. give
mil. hand over; yield (позиции)
nautic. give over (вахту); hand over (корабль, должность); turn over (вахту)
notar. deposit (cash); deliver (a sold item to the buyer); lease (an apartment, other property for rent or lease)
obs. render; surrendry
railw. book (багаж)
slang blow up (игру: At the middle of the match the goalkeeper of tire other team suddenly blew up and we got the winning runs. == Вдруг в середине матча вратарь другой команды как-то обломился, и мы сделали игру.); come through (экзамен: "You are lucky! You have come thru". == Счастливчик! Ты уже отбомбился", - завидует Джону Мик перед своим последним экзаменом.); come thru (экзамен: "You are lucky! You have come thru". == Счастливчик! Ты уже отбомбился", - завидует Джону Мик перед своим последним экзаменом.); spill guts (Andrey Truhachev); dime someone out (кого-либо), выдавать (кого-либо), стучать (на кого-либо stas79)
tech. be relieved from (one's) watch
textile tender
сдаваться v
gen. give way; capitulate; weaken; ground arms; give in (напр., на уговоры); strike flag; yield up; knock under; seem (казаться: it seems that... кажется, что); strike one's colours; throw down one's arms; throw up one's cards; render oneself; hang out the white flag; hoist the white flag; lower colours; say kamerad; show the white flag; strike colours; throw down arms; wave the white flag; throw up cards; haul down flag; strike; deliver oneself; climb down; deliver keys; let up (kopeika); be let (Taras); be rented (быть предметом аренды, тж. сдаваться внаём; "сдаётся" (вывеска) – "to let" брит.; "for rent" амер. Taras); yield oneself (Stas-Soleil); break down; crack up; deal (cards); deliver; hire out; yield; haul down one's flag; lower one's colours; rent (в аренду); accede (bigmaxus); give up (Taras); come to; give (to); knop up; surrender; give up; in a game. esp. chess resign; be for rent; lay down one's arms; strike one's flag; make excuses (Zippity); lease (out); take an examination; turn in; turn over; relent; relinquish; resign; give it up (lenta2007); back down (The young Pistons aren't backing down and rookie Stanley Johnson had strong words for the Cavs afterward. VLZ_58); founder (NGGM); give up on things (Anastasia_E)
Gruzovik surrender to; lease out; let; pass; give to; diverge; deviate; swerve; turn
amer. go in (в полицию: We'll go in together Taras)
busin. give oneself up
fig. hang the white flag; lower the flag; show the white flag
Gruzovik, inf. it seems
Gruzovik, obs. appear
idiom. throw in the towel (Marina Hill); call it quits (jouris-t)
inf. weaken (на уговоры, просьбы и т.п.); cave in; concede (Даниил84); call uncle (вариант cry uncle AnnaOchoa); give out; seem (with dat.); cave
Makarov. haul down one's colours; render up; resign to; throw in one's hand; throw up the game
Makarov., inf. chuck in one's hand
mil. hand over; capitulate (напр., в плен); lay down arms; strike the flag (перен.); yield (в плен)
nautic. strike the flag; lower flag; strike the colors; throw out a white flag
obs. render; doubt; surrendry; dubitate
obs., inf. appear
slang peter out; say cry uncle; cry uncle; roll over (Tamerlane); cave in (Every one begged Billy to take them down to the city and he finally caved in. == Все уговаривали Билли взять их в город, и он в конце концов уступил.); give oneself up (добровольно: Сержант Майкл Холдуин говорит своему боссу и хорошему приятелю комиссару Ле Пешену: "Да, сэр, самые удачные и стремительно раскрытые дела - это when someone gives oneself up".); throw up one's hands
sport. tap out (похлопывать (по матам либо по противнику) – признание поражения в бою бойцом в результате проведения противником болевого либо удушающего приёма Madi Azimuratov); go down (The Avalanche didn't go down easy – так просто не сдались VLZ_58)
uncom., humor. kamerad (to surrender, as a German in World War II; from German Kamerad ("comrade"), the word that a surrendering German soldier would call out)
сдаться v
gen. capitulate; ground arms; give in; give way; strike flag; chuck one's hand in; throw up one's cards; throw up cards; toss in the towel; throw up the game; chuck hand up; lay down arm; make leeway; hand yourself over to (полиции, властям dinchik%)); forfeit (chronik); back down (ssn); cry craven; fling in cards; chuck hand in; rent; break down; crack up; deal (cards); deliver; deviate; diverge; give (to); give oneself up; hire out; lease (out); let; pass; swerve; take an examination; turn in; turn over; turn oneself in (полиции markovka); give oneself up to (to offer yourself/somebody to be captured: After a week on the run he gave himself up to the police. Bullfinch); surrender (surrender at discretion – сдаваться на милость победителя); yield; haul down one's flag; put up hands; turn; crack (sergeidorogan); buckle under (под тяжестью чего-либо; под давлением notilt); lay down one's arms; strike one's flag; give it up (My search was fruitless, and after a while I gave it up and came back lenta2007); give way (прекратить сопротивляться, противиться чему-либо: Then I walked half a mile more to Stretch and Dobree and there at last I gave way and was completely exhausted.); give up (MichaelBurov); in a game. esp. chess resign; be for rent; put up one's hands; back down; roll over (The Spurs used a 19-2 stretch to open a 31-20 lead in the second quarter, but the Jazz didn't roll over. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik give oneself up; lease out (pf of сдаваться); let (pf of сдаваться); rent (pf of сдаваться); pass (pf of сдаваться); give to (pf of сдаваться); diverge (pf of сдаваться); deviate (pf of сдаваться); swerve (pf of сдаваться); turn (pf of сдаваться)
amer. yell uncle (VLZ_58); cave (ad_notam)
amer., inf. say uncle; cry uncle
chess.term. resign (A few moves later Karpov resigned. I. Havkin)
elect. concede the race (DaryaPrimavera)
fenc. rebuke
fig., explan. give up the ghost (Wakeful dormouse)
fig.of.sp. fold hands (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, inf. be necessary (future tense not used); it seems (pf of сдаваться)
Gruzovik, obs. appear (pf of сдаваться); seem (pf of сдаваться)
idiom. throw in the towel (When John could stand no more of Mary's bad temper, he threw in the towel and left.); fold one's the tent ("'It was tough to stake them to a two-goal lead,'" Hammond said. ''It would have been easy to fold the tent but we showed a lot of fight... VLZ_58); throw in the sponge (MichaelBurov)
inf. fold (alia20); cave in; concede (в значении "уступить", например: он долго её уговаривал и она сдалась. Даниил84); it seems; give out; buckle (под давлением, под натиском wandervoegel); be of use (SirReal)
Makarov. lay down arms; loss up the sponge; throw up the sponge; to loss up the sponge; fling up cards; drop one's bundle; give up the to burn one's ships; throw in one's cards; throw in one's hand; toss up the sponge
mil. hand over
nautic. lower flag
obs., inf. appear; seem
slang throw in the sponge (towel); toss in the towel (sponge); toss it in; lay down (Interex); toss in the sponge (Interex); give up the goods (Give up the goods, you yellow devil! Dishanzi)
sport. submit (The Russian leapt out of the ring after forcing McGregor to submit in their match at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas – by J. Staplehurst Tamerlane)
сдать v
выдать; сдать оружие
gen. turn in; turn over; put (in storage); bring back; lease; give up; surrender; return; hand in (готовую работу и т. п.: Does anyone have work ready to hand in? • If you'd judged me by the way my face celebrated being the first to hand in my test, you'd think I was on a winning streak. • If we hand in our tests before 9am, we will have the result around 2pm.); cede; relinquish; break down; go to seed (Anglophile); hand over; check (in a coatroom, baggage room, etc.); let (подряд или в аренду); give; give up (В.И.Макаров); yield; fall apart (After the tragedy he just seemed to fall apart. VLZ_58); deliver (готовую работу или изделие, проданный товар и т.п.; также о городе или крепости); pass (экзамен); grass up (кого-либо; to report someone to a person in authority matchin); submit (OLGA P.)
Игорь Миг run out of gas
archive. give in (oVoD)
cards weaken; decline (in health); age; of cold, heat, etc. abate; deal (cards)
fig. give way (о здоровье); lose it (This artist has lost it. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, inf. give out; crack up
inf., slang Narc out (подельника в обмен на смягчение наказания или освобождение от него.Now you going narc me out cops just so you won't get in trouble? И теперь ты собираешся сдать меня копам, просто чтобы избежать проблем?)
mil., hist. deliver up (крепость и т. п.)
notar. lease (an apartment, other property for rent or lease); deliver (a sold item to the buyer); deposit (cash)
pris.sl. rat out (кого-либо властям: I ain't a fucking snitch. When I die, I can meet my Maker knowing I did not rat people out. — Я не грёбаный стукач. Когда я умру, то смогу встретить своего Создателя, зная, что я никого не сдал. alia20)
real.est. let; hire out; let out; rent; put up (в аренду; at)
school.sl. get by (экзамен); hand (контрольную Dollie); get by with (экзамен); make out at (экзамен); make out (экзамен); pass; pass off (экзамен)
slang roll on someone, e.g. an accomplice (Tanya Gesse); grass up (You wouldn't grass up an old mate, would you? • Who grassed him up to the police? Alexander Demidov); shop (shop someone to the police wandervoegel); spill guts (Andrey Truhachev); put someone under bus (кого-либо tavost); turn state (подельников органам и давать показания против них в суде (в обмен на смягчение приговора и т.п.) 4uzhoj); turn over (в т.ч. в перен. смысле: He was working here illegally and was terrified that his boss would turn him over to authorities.); drop a dime on (NumiTorum); turn in (что-либо или кого-либо органам); throw someone under the bus (кого-либо tavost); turn in (что-либо или кого-либо полиции и т.д.: His own brother turned him in. • We couldn't decide what to do with the money we found on the side of the road; she said we should turn it in, I said we should keep it. Val_Ships); turn in (выдать Alex_Odeychuk)
slang, context. tip someone off (кому; такой перевод требует уточнения, кого сдают: A betrayed gang member tipped off the police. – Член банды, преданный своими соратниками, сдал их в полицию.)
сдаюсь! v
gen. I give in!; I give up!; give in!
dipl. I'll bite (bigmaxus); it beats me! (bigmaxus)
spoken shucks (напр., во время спора. w00t_08)
сдаётся v
gen. let (внаём, надпись); for rent (в аренду); to let
Makarov. let (надпись; внаём)
nonstand. sounds like (Побеdа)
"сдаётся" v
gen. let (вывеска Taras)
Сдавайся! v
idiom. Say uncle! (США Alexander Matytsin)
"сдавать" v
slang snitch (Баян); spill to (someone – кого-либо Aydar)
"сдаётся" v
torped. "for rent"
я сдаюсь! v
gen. I surrender!
"сдаюсь" v
el. I give up
сдавайтесь v
obs. yield (The soldiers rushed through the entrance of the chasm shouting, “Yield in the name of the blessed church, and his most gracious King Henry”. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
сдавшийся prtc.
slang one has have had it
: 1767 phrases in 106 subjects
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Automated equipment3
British usage, not spelling6
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Contextual meaning1
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Explanatory translation3
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Fish farming pisciculture1
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Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
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Sakhalin R2
Scottish usage1
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