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расцветиться vstresses
gen. adorn; become parti-colored; become parti-coloured; become variegated; deck (также перен.); embroider; turn bright and multicolored; turn bright and multicoloured
fig. become animated; become happy; embellish; light up
Gruzovik, fig. become glad (pf of расцвечиваться)
inf. paint in bright colors; paint in bright colours; tint; tone
расцветить v
gen. embroider; adorn; deck (также перен.); splash; brighten up (Artists brighten up life beneath our feet Vladimir); give a bright color to
fig. embellish
Gruzovik, fig. embellish (pf of расцвечивать)
Gruzovik, inf. paint in bright colors (pf of расцвечивать); tint (pf of расцвечивать); tone (pf of расцвечивать)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. adorn (pf of расцвечивать); deck (pf of расцвечивать)
inf. paint in bright colours; tone
nautic. dress
tech. tint
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects