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verb | verb | to phrases
расстроиться vstresses
gen. be upset; fail; get out of tune; come unscrewed; come unglued; break up; derange; disarrange; throw into confusion; break down; cause to fall out; collapse; damage; detune; discompose; disorder; disorganize; disrupt; frustrate; get upset; go to pieces; impair; shatter; unsettle; upset; wreck; untune; take it hard (он очень расстроился - he took it very hard Tanya Gesse); go off (о планах); be thrown into confusion; mistune; ruin; feel frustrated (If you're feeling frustrated or too tired or too anxious, the baby's really going to pick up on that. – Если вы расстроены, устали или нервничаете, ребёнок это чувствует. ART Vancouver); be off the hooks; be off (о деле, о сделке); be distraught (Liv Bliss); be thrown into disorder; be disrupted; be impaired (of one's health); become upset
Gruzovik expand (of a city, factory, etc; pf of расстраиваться); grow (of a city, factory, etc; pf of расстраиваться); break up (pf of расстраиваться); be thrown into confusion (pf of расстраиваться); break down (pf of расстраиваться); collapse (pf of расстраиваться); go to pieces (pf of расстраиваться); get upset (pf of расстраиваться)
austral., slang blow one's top
busin. feel upset (Johnny Bravo)
Gruzovik, inf. of a city, factory, etc grow (pf of расстраиваться); of a city, factory, etc expand (pf of расстраиваться); build a number of
Gruzovik, obs. fall out with (pf of расстраиваться); break off with (pf of расстраиваться)
idiom. get panties in a wad (get your panties in a wad Баян); go south (VLZ_58); sick as a parrot (He was sick as a parrot when his team lost the match Taras)
inf. grow; build; expand; go kaput (Taras)
Makarov. fall apart; fall into confusion; fall through; fall to the ground; feel aggrieved; feel oneself aggrieved; draw back; get oneself worked up
Makarov., inf., amer. have a cow
obs. break off (with); cause to quarrel; fall out (with)
расстроить v
gen. disrank (ряды); put the lid on (планы и т.п.); mistune; untune (музыкальный инструмент); impair; ruin; break; fordo; put one out; put out of order; throw into disorder; foil; throw out of tune; upset (emotionally); derange; disorganize; disturb; spoil; shatter; frustrate (замыслы); baffle; disarrange; discomfit; discompose; disconcert; dislocate; disorder; distract; faze; disrank; put the lid on (планы и т. п.); mar; break heart (кого-либо); make blue (KozlovVN); get down (Weedy Star); be upset at (I was upset at the mayor's recent comment on the residential tax rates. – Меня расстроило ... ART Vancouver); counterwork; debilitate; disadjust; distemper; jangle; offput; overset; unfix; unhinge; unnerve; unsettle; deject spirits (кого-либо); derail (Fueled by harsh words from Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Moscow's decision to ban all European vegetable imports because of a deadly E. coli outbreak is now threatening to derail relations with Brussels just days before a summit with EU leaders. TMT Alexander Demidov); break up; throw into confusion; disrupt; wreck; balk; baulk; benight; cut (планы); miff; thwart (чьи-либо планы); throw off kilter (не эмоционально Баян); put out of tune; circumvent; defeat; put out; checkmate; overwhelm (кого-либо неприятным известием Rust71); undo; prevent (планы и т.п. Рина Грант); displease (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik break up (pf of расстраивать); throw into confusion (pf of расстраивать); disrupt (pf of расстраивать)
Игорь Миг thwart (планы)
austral., slang flatten; lead someone a merry dance (сменой настроения, намерений и т.п.; кого-либо)
dipl. disappoint
el. detune
engl., inf. scupper (планы)
fig. kill (Moment's gone. You killed it! – Момент упущен. Ты расстроил всю обстановку/разрушил атмосферу! Franka_LV); draw blood (Bullfinch); make sth fail (Andrey Truhachev); make sth fall through (Andrey Truhachev); make sth break down (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf. build a large number of (pf of расстраивать)
Gruzovik, obs. cause to fall out (pf of расстраивать)
idiom. have had it up to here (Interex)
inf. dish (чьи-либо планы); pip (планы); build; construct (a large number of); rot
Makarov. derail (планы и т.п.); put the lid (планы и т.п.); bowl down; bowl out; cut into (планы); make someone nervous (кого-либо); make someone sad (кого-либо); throw out of gear (ход чего-либо); upset someone's equanimity (кого-либо); put out of tune (музыкальный инструмент)
Makarov., amer. play the wild (with; кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. rot up
obs. cause to fall out; cause to quarrel
road.wrk. damage
rude piss in someone's cornflakes (Sorry to piss in your cornflakes, but my mom's got asthma, so take your cigarettes outside. Victorian)
slang put off ("Well, I was pretty put off by his shamelessness proposal!" == "Я была просто шокирована его бестактным предложением!" - возмущается Джейн тем, что фотограф предложил ей вместе поужинать.); blow
расстроенный prtc.
slang burned-out; hopped up hopped-up; in a fog; rhino; rung up
tech. unbalanced
расстроить что-либо v
gen. funk smth up (andreon)
 Russian thesaurus
расстрой v
obs. расстройство
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