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gen. find; dig; seek; hound down; search out; seek out
fig. dig up
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gen. quotation

verb | verb | to phrases
разыскать vstresses
gen. find; dig (dig the truth out of someone – выудить истину у кого-либо); seek; hound down; search out; seek out; run to earth; forage; track down (Tanya Gesse); look for; search for; trace; comb out; search; dig (dig the truth out of someone – выудить истину у кого-либо); search (обыкн. search out); find out; hunt for
Gruzovik look for (pf of разыскивать); search for (pf of разыскивать)
amer. ferret out (If you're looking for owners of abandoned property, it can take years to ferret them out. Val_Ships)
fig. dig up
fig.of.sp. run someone to earth (Leonid Dzhepko)
Gruzovik, obs. investigate (pf of разыскивать)
idiom. get hold of ('When anyone is caught stealing in Bongo on the Congo, they tie him down on an ant-hill until they can get hold of the walla-walla, as judges are called in the native dialect.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver); get one's hands on ("Doug Pridgen made a video of a concert near an apple orchard. Upon review it seems to be two creatures, and the small one is swinging in the tree." Sounds creepy, right? Another Baby Bigfoot Sighting in 1997: On May 23rd of 1997, video footage allegedly captured evidence of a Baby Bigfoot (Babyfoot?). We need to get our hands on that video. (wpdh.com)  ART Vancouver)
law detect
Makarov. detect (преступника); hunt up; run down; rustle up; seek out (кого-либо)
obs. investigate
разыскаться v
gen. look for; search for; turn up; be found
Gruzovik be sought for (pf of разыскиваться); be found (pf of разыскиваться); turn up (pf of разыскиваться)
obs. investigate
: 39 phrases in 6 subjects
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