
   Russian English
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gen. understand; puzzle out; study out; take in; make sense; grapple
| до последней мелочи
 до последних мелочей
gen. minutely

verb | verb | to phrases
разобраться vstresses
разобраться с; разобраться в; разделаться; выяснить
gen. understand; puzzle out; study out (в чём-либо); take in; make sense (izet); grapple (with bookworm); get to the bottom (of something – в чем-то q3mi4); handle (Tanya Gesse); sort through (bk); find way around (find one's way around something Баян); clear up a mess (в проблемах); get a handle on (I can't quite get a handle on the way this machine works. rechnik); get something straightened out (с чем-либо ART Vancouver); get things straight (So let me get things straight, if I go on Thursday I can't come back till Saturday? SirReal); get into (We're going to get into this but first tell me about your background, like where you were born. – Мы ещё разберёмся с этим ... ART Vancouver); check into (something Tamerlane); get through (с кем-либо); get sth. taken care of (с чем-либо: Please email us an invoice and we will get it taken care of. – мы с ним разберёмся ART Vancouver); discuss; dismantle; pull down; strip; take apart; take down; disassemble; disjoint; manage; throw into relief (Asterite); gain insight (вникнуть в суть и подробно проанализировать, изучить и понять Alex_Odeychuk); grasp; unpack; be well informed; decode; take; get some perspective (Ремедиос_П); gain insight into (Andrey Truhachev); figure out what's what (Tanya Gesse); sort out (sort things out dreamcricket.com Tanya Gesse); investigate (С этим стоит разобраться. – It's certainly worth investigating. ART Vancouver); deal (с кем-либо – with someone; как на словах, так и физически: Don't worry, I'll deal with him. He'll never hurt you again. Рина Грант); wrap it up around (с чем-то alikssepia); get the hang of (NLC); navigate (в чём-либо lexicographer); work out (until they worked out what works. VLZ_58); work it out (Tanya Gesse); get out in front of this thing (NumiTorum); address (How are you going to address this issue with...? Taras); get the hang of something (в чём-либо: It's not difficult once you get the hang of it vogeler); get intimate insight (NikSayko); have an understanding of; gain an understanding of; deal with; catch on; clear up the mess; get sth. across; have sb. taken care of (с кем-л.); make out (sth.)
Gruzovik go into; disperse; break up; go away
Игорь Миг see the light
amer. take somebody to the back of the barn (andreon); take somebody behind the gym (из речи Байдена о его отношении к Трампу andreon)
amer., slang get outside of (в вопросе и т.п.)
brit. sort someone out (с кем-либо; only British English: как на словах, так и физически: "Don't worry, I'll sort him out. He'll never hurt you again". Рина Грант)
busin. explore (MichaelBurov); look into the matter of (MichaelBurov); survey (MichaelBurov); examine (MichaelBurov)
fig., inf. fill (with); seize (with); overcome
gram. analyze; parse
Gruzovik, inf. cope with; manage; undress oneself
hist. disentangle (sever_korrespondent)
idiom. be on to (Interex); get one's head round (owant); get up to speed (jouris-t); cover the territory (закончить обсуждение какого-либо вопроса: With respect to criminal investigation, we have covered the territory. – Итак, с уголовным расследованием мы разобрались. 4uzhoj); get one's head around (Jill's mother had a baby girl after Jill had baby Jimmy, so Jimmy now has an auntie who is younger than him! That's weird. It took me a while to get my head around that. Баян); have a good look at sth (с чем-либо: "Have you had a chance to look at the report?" "Yes, I've had a good look at it." ART Vancouver); wrap one's head around (I was attempting to wrap my head around this whole thing – Я пытался во всем этом разобраться Taras)
inf. figure out (Can you help me figure that out? – Помогите мне в этом разобраться. ART Vancouver); get outside of (в вопросе и т. п.); get a sense (Анна Ф); get someone's number (в ком-либо otlichnica_po_jizni); choose; cope (with); pick (out); have a bone to pick with (someone – с кем-либо DUPLESSIS); get to (с кем-либо RangerRus); be fastidious; select; make away (with someone – с кем-либо; =покончить 4uzhoj); wrap one's head around (You'll need time to wrap your head around the new functionality of this mobile phone. Баян); get something settled (VLZ_58); action (bbc.co.uk olga69); put one’s things away (after a trip)
Makarov. get into (с); make out (в чём-либо); puzzle out (в чём-либо); straighten out (в чём-либо); study out; talk out (путем переговоров; to resolve a problem by talking about it: We could have talked this out by now.); work things out
Makarov., inf., amer. get outside of (с проблемой)
math. clear up
navig. make out
obs. put in order
psychol. make out (с трудом)
scient. decipher (в чём-либо сложном A.Rezvov)
slang unscramble (в чем-то, с чем-то)
разобрать v
разбирать; разобрать на части
gen. strip down (механизм, оружие: They completely stripped down the engine. • The quick release is quite an innovative feature that aids in stripping down the gun for cleaning and maintenance.); take to pieces (что-либо); fordo (машину); grab up (tfennell); break up a set; dismantle; try; take; sort; strip; pull down; investigate; inquire into; analyze; parse; decipher (something written); sort out; buy up; demount; disassemble; sit; break down (на части); spell out (обыкн. с трудом); study out; take down (машину и т. п.); get through; untie; untwine; take to pieces; declutter (tannin); tear down (myroslava); demolish (демонтировать – дом, стену и т.п.); go over (Inna Oslon); make out (It's the only thing I could make out. • All I could make out of what he was saying to me was something along the lines of "hey" or "what the fuck." 4uzhoj); read (напр., написанное, выражение на лице и т. д.: I tried pressing the buttons, but the pixels were so faint I couldn't read what was written on the screen. • With the bright light behind him, she couldn't read his expression, but she braced herself and approached him. 4uzhoj); untwist; unty; look into; go through; make out (sth.); discern; get sth. across; understand; make out (надпись, текст, буквы: Aug. 13 (UPI) -- A Florida woman cleaning up debris washed ashore by Hurricane Debby made an unexpected discovery -- a message in a bottle dating back to World War II. Suzanne Flament-Smith, 46, of Tampa, said she was picking up trash on Bayshore Boulevard in Safety Harbor when the bottle caught her eye. "We opened the letter and you could see it was really faded. So some of it you can make out and you could see the letterhead on it," she said. -- Кое-что можно разобрать upi.com ART Vancouver); review
Gruzovik disjoint; discuss; decode
Игорь Миг snatch up (товар ); get to the bottom of; figure out; delve into
auto. break up
combust. undo (машину)
comp. unmake
construct. take down
energ.ind. unhook (электросхему Kastorka)
fig., inf. fill (with); seize (with); overcome
gram. analyse
Gruzovik, inf. overcome; fill with; seize with
Gruzovik, obs. put in order
Gruzovik, police investigate a charge
inf. pick (out); select; unscramble; be fastidious; choose; of an emotion seize; come over; stop to choose; take time to choose
inf., explan. scoop up (товар)
IT unbind
Makarov. buy up (раскупить); sort out (рассортировать); take apart (на части – механизм и т. п.); pull down (демонтировать – дом, стену и т. п.); trace
math. examine; take apart
mil. take apart (например, автомат; источник – Speak better Russian. A conversation manual. George Rubinstein; ссылка – yojik.eu dimock)
nautic. take asunder
O&G lay down (Yeldar Azanbayev)
obs. unwreath; unwreathe
oil nipple down
psychol. catch (слово linton)
tech. disassemble (механизм Val_Ships); take apart (на части Val_Ships); dismantle (механизм Val_Ships); take to pieces (на части Val_Ships); strip down (на части Val_Ships)
textile dissect (образец)
разберёмся v
inf. I'll work something out (в знач. "я что-нибудь придумаю" 4uzhoj)
Разберёмся! v
inf. We'll get it all sorted out! (Soulbringer)
 Russian thesaurus
разобраться v
slang схватиться (с кем-то MichaelBurov); подраться (с кем-то MichaelBurov)
: 529 phrases in 61 subjects
Administrative law1
American usage, not spelling6
Aviation medicine1
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention11
Contextual meaning1
Data processing1
Explanatory translation1
Humorous / Jocular1
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering1
Notarial practice3
Obsolete / dated1
Occupational health & safety1
Oil and gas2
Quotes and aphorisms1
Rail transport1