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gen. gaping mouth (MichaelBurov)
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gen. with mouth agape; slack-jawed (Anglophile); open-mouthed (Schneider was ... amusing a crowd of ragged children with conjuring tricks. Children watched open-mouthed. 4uzhoj)
cliche. with one's mouth agape (igisheva)
fig.of.sp. open-mouthed (One of those who encountered Bownessie was Steve Burnip. He saw the creature in 2006. Steve said of his close encounter of the monstrous type: "I saw a straight line of broken water with three humps. It was about twenty feet long and it went in a straight line up the lake. I nudged my wife and watched open-mouthed as it gradually faded from sight. The water was not choppy, so I know it wasn't the wind, and I know what the wake from motor boats looks like and it wasn't that either. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
inf. agape
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gen. open one's mouth wide (от удивления); gape (‘It's worth close on three thousand quid, and,' said Captain Biggar, throwing out the observation almost casually, ‘you're going to pinch it, Patch Rowcester.' Bill gaped. ‘Pinch it?' ‘This very night.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
inf. open wide mouth
Makarov. be open-mouthed; stand agape (от удивления)
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: 44 phrases in 4 subjects