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verb | verb | to phrases
раздвигать vstresses
gen. flare; divaricate; spread apart; push one’s way through (a crowd); extend (a table); separate; pull out; undraw; telescope; spread (ноги и т.п. bookworm); draw aside; expand; push way through (a crowd); slide apart; part; move aside; widen
Gruzovik slide apart (impf of раздвинуть); move aside (impf of раздвинуть); draw aside (impf of раздвинуть); expand (impf of раздвинуть); widen (impf of раздвинуть); move apart (impf of раздвинуть); push one's way through a crowd (impf of раздвинуть)
auto. distend
construct. move apart; open
dril. open out
eng. push apart (Svetozar)
Makarov. draw (занавеску и т.п.); move apart (разъединять в разные стороны)
math. force apart
mech.eng., obs. gag
railw. neck out
roll. separate (валки)
tech. draw apart; telescope (выдвигать одну часть из другой); pull apart
раздвигаться v
gen. telescope; broaden; disperse; draw apart; extend; make way; pull apart; push way through (a crowd); slide apart; step aside (of a crowd); open; move aside; widen; distend; part (of a curtain); expand (of a table); open up
Gruzovik move apart (impf of раздвинуться); slide apart (impf of раздвинуться); step aside (impf of раздвинуться); make way (impf of раздвинуться); disperse (impf of раздвинуться); broaden (impf of раздвинуться); widen (impf of раздвинуться)
math. be pushed apart by
O&G. tech. expand; extend (of a table)
tech. spread apart (The resilient elements spread apart as the power supply acts on the resilient elements, and when the power supply has passed through the opening between the resilient elements they move back to retain the power supply within the cavity of the ground plane. Мирослав9999)
weap. spread (ABelonogov)
: 46 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Automated equipment5