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пьяный в стелькуstresses
gen. as high as a kite; high as a kite; zonked; bombed; geezed; banged up to the eyes; roaring drunk; wasted (Samburskiy); Three sheets to the wind (Svetlana D); drunk as a skunk (Tanya Gesse); three sheets to the wind (Tanya Gesse); seriously buzzed (Tanya Gesse); hammered (Tanya Gesse)
austral. as full as a boot (Wakeful dormouse)
austral., slang full as a tick; legless; pissed as a newt; pissed as a parrot; rolling drunk; shit-faced; out to it
Gruzovik, inf. drunk as a cobbler; drunk as a lord
Gruzovik, jarg. blotto
humor. completely sozzled (ART Vancouver); under the surface (ART Vancouver)
idiom. drunk as a skunk (Александр_10); higher than a kite (Yeldar Azanbayev); drunk as a boiled owl (The drunkard was as drunk as a boiled owl and laid down on the ground. Wakeful dormouse); bloody drunk (Tion)
inf. soused (denghu); as drunk as a boiled owl (Anglophile); plastered (HSE-student); fall-down drunk (Andrey Truhachev); stinking drunk (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. as drunk as a fiddler; as drunk as a fish; as drunk as a lord; as drunk as a tinker
rude pissy drunk (Баян)
slang airlocked (N. Ireland denghu); stinko; bungey; half seas over; higher than Gilroy's kite; sloppy; half the bay over; as drunk as a skunk (Leonid Dzhepko); shit-housed (Samburskiy); potshot (dzenkor); mullered (mullered [Br.] [sl.] [very drunk] dict.cc Andrey Truhachev); battered (battered [Br.][sl.][very drunk] dict.cc Andrey Truhachev)
slang, amer. all geezed up
slang, Makarov. jiggered
winemak. drunk as a fish drink
Игорь Миг, inf. completely blotto (Mberdy21)
пьяный "в стельку"
slang plotzed (Interex)
пьян в стельку
gen. drunk as a lord; drunk as a fiddler; as drunk as a fish
Игорь Миг flat-out drunk (Mberdy21)
amer. he can't find his ass with both hands (VLZ_58)
idiom. drunk back (Yeldar Azanbayev)
proverb as drunk as a lord (дословно: Пьян, как лорд (т.е. как может напиться лишь богач)); as drunk as a fiddler; blind drunk
slang dead drunk
slang, Makarov. Negro drunk
тж. all geezed up пьяный в стельку
amer., slang geezed
пьяный в стельку
: 28 phrases in 7 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Central America1
Humorous / Jocular3