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пьяница nstresses
gen. sot (Franka_LV); barfly (Stormy); ensign bearer; malt worm; pub crawler; suck bottle; swill tub; winebibber; drunkard (Franka_LV); bibber; drinker; inebriate; souse; hard drinker; bacchanal; bacchant; drunk (SirReal); toper (Franka_LV); nightclubber; pub-crawler; quaffer; suck-bottle; swiller; rummy; soaker (Franka_LV); tippler (Franka_LV); swill-tub; a heavy drinker; drinkeress; wino; alcoholic (Franka_LV); addict (bix); carouser; draftsman; draughtsman; fuddle cap; a drinking gossip; pot man; tavern-haunter; tavern-hunter; tavern-man; wine bibber
amer. lushie (Anglophile); pickler (Anglophile); skell (Taras)
amer., inf. rumdum
amer., nonstand. juicer
amer., slang long hitter; sop
austral. booze artist
austral., inf. shicker
austral., new.zeal., inf. cast
austral., slang shitface
book. bacchanalian
contempt. tun
inf. rummy (Am. Can. Andrey Truhachev); soak; fuddler; guzzler; winebag; a drunkard; an alcoholic; alchy (Andrey Truhachev); alco (Andrey Truhachev); alkie (Andrey Truhachev); alky (Andrey Truhachev); boozehound (Taras)
inf., austrian pisspot (Here's to (insert name), he's true blue | He's a pisspot through and through | He's a bastard so they say | Tried to go to heaven but he went the other way | Drink it down! 4uzhoj)
inf., bot. bog whortleberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
jarg. alcohol
law dipsomatic (Право международной торговли On-Line); addicted addict to drink; alcohol addict; addicted to drink; drunk
low booze hag (о женщине igisheva)
Makarov. topper
nautic. admiral of the red
obs. malt-worm; booser; wassailer
scottish bender
slang Lunch head (Franka_LV); Christmas tree (Some old Christmas tree staggered by, muttering to herself. Какой-то старый пьяница брёл шатаясь и бормоча что-то про себе. Interex); glow worm (You're turning into a regular glow worm. Ты превратился в пьяницу.. Interex); groghound (Interex); guzzle-guts (Interex); heister (Interex); hooch head (Interex); hooch hound (Interex); hootcher (Interex); hoocher (Interex); jagster (Interex); jingler (Interex); lapper (Interex); lush hound (Interex); lush merchant (Interex); mop (Interex); plonko (Interex); sipster (Interex); skate (Interex); sozzler (Interex); spunge (Interex); spud (Interex); swizzle-stick (That guy is a swizzle-stick. Don't give him any more. Этот чувак пьяница. Не давай ему больше. Interex); thirsty soul (Interex); toast (Interex); tooter (Interex); zonker (Interex); tosspot; ensign-bearer; lusher; bloat; bottle baby; bingo-boy; blotter; blowing; bottle-man; bridgey; bust; cager; cat; crock; dehorn; dipso; funnel; ginhead; jag; job; lush; mokus; one of the faithful; oryide; pot; rum bag; rummie; rumpot; schnozzle; snozzle; sponge sponger; stew; dip; jughead jug-head; stiff; tank; shuffler (Interex); horner; wino (предпочитающий дешёвое вино, потому что от него пьянеют сильней, а стоит оно дёшево)
slang, Makarov. drink hound
vulg. alki bum (см. bum); piss-head; pisso
пья́ница n
Gruzovik boozer (masc and fem); drunkard (masc and fem)
пьяни́ца n
Gruzovik, bot. bog bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); bog whortleberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
"'пьяница'" n
cards rummy (карточная игра UniversalLove)
: 107 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Humorous / Jocular1
Notarial practice2
Obsolete / dated1