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пугающий adj.stresses
gen. chilling; fearful; scary (Georgy Moiseenko); intimidating (raspberry); much-feared (Anglophile); terrifying (ivvi); eerie (vgazizov); dismaying; formidable; frightening; distressing (ad_notam); exciting (tess durbey); oracular (VLZ_58); grisly (Vadim Rouminsky); unnerving (an unnerving sense of the gruesome throughout his poetry • Describing the experience of finally seeing the phenomenon, Randall mused that "it's very surreal and was a little unnerving," no doubt due in part to his being out on the misty mountaintop all by himself. • Police ultimately wound up scratching their heads over how the unnerving event unfolded. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); daunting (Anglophile); unsettling (causing anxiety or uneasiness (Oxford Dictionary): Both Elaine and Sierra maintained a sense of humor about their experiences. The two have come to an acceptance and understanding of the creatures' presence in their lives, despite the unsettling nature of the encounters. (coasttocoastam.com) • A member of a team tasked with creating a 3D map of Alcatraz Island told his colleagues that he had an unsettling ghostly experience during their stay at the site's infamous prison. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг creepy; dreaded
avia., med. startling
inf. whacky-ass (bigmaxus); spine-tingling (до дрожи plushkina); alarming (Abysslooker)
med. disturbing (в переносном смысле, напр., пугающее чувство DoctorKto)
obs. affrighter
reg.usg. flaysome (xmoffx)
vulg. hairy
пугать v
gen. flutter; frighten; terrify; cow; flight; scare; affright; make afraid; appall; intimidate; be afraid; dismay; panic; startle; fright; consternate pass; awe; fray; spook; alarm; make nervous (кого-либо); consternate; appal (Sclex); menace (Aly19); browbeat (Aly19); horrify; give a start (Andrey Truhachev); threaten (with); flay; bullyrag; creep out (to make uncomfortable or afraid, to give someone the creeps) That janitor who's always talking about blood creeps me out. | Wiktionary 4uzhoj); excite (tess durbey); bust chops (Анна Ф); give the willies (Taras); give the screaming willies (Taras); bugbear
Gruzovik threaten (with – кого-либо чём-либо, в знач. "грозить/угрожать"); frighten
Игорь Миг demonize (чем-либо/кем-либо)
amer. feeze; throw a scare; buffalo
austral., slang put the wind up; push the panic button
dial. gloppen; haze
el. aliasing
idiom. get the best of (someone VLZ_58)
inf. rattle; scarify; spook out (I'm so glad the nurse is acting normal now. She was starting to really spook me out. 4uzhoj); give somebody the heebie-jeebies (fddhhdot)
Makarov. frighten away (отпугивать); frighten off (отпугивать); give someone a scare (кого-либо); throw a scare into (someone); кого-либо)
obs. affray (mazurov); gallow; larum; lowbell; quake
Scotl. gliff
slang give the shivers (кого-либо Buddy89); make someone's toes curl (Peri); curl one's toes (Peri)
zool. do a bluff charge (о животном: имитировать нападение: Bakery worker Maureen Williams said she initially tried to scare the bear away by yelling. "It turned around, and came towards me, and he did what DEEP [Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection] calls a 'bluff charge,' where he made kind of a huffing noise, and then he came at me a little quicker," Williams told WTNH-TV. "At that point, I knew I wasn't going to shut the door. He was too close. So, I backed myself out and ran." upi.com ART Vancouver)
пугаться v
gen. boggle; shy; fear; start; get a scare; express alarm (ssn); feel dismay (Азери); be startled; your skin crawls (Taras); take fright (at); scare; startle; skew; be scared (of); get intimidated (Stas-Soleil); funk; mind; be frightened (with gen., of); be frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); be scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо); frightened of (чего-либо, кого-либо); scared of (чего-либо, кого-либо)
Gruzovik be frightened of (impf of испугаться); be scared of (impf of испугаться); take fright at (impf of испугаться)
inf. be in a funk (Andrey Truhachev); turn chicken (Andrey Truhachev); be weak-kneed (Andrey Truhachev); be windy (Andrey Truhachev); piss one's pants (Andrey Truhachev); wet one's pants (Andrey Truhachev); be yellow (Andrey Truhachev); have a yellow streak (Andrey Truhachev); spook (at SirReal); freak out (We were freaking out. – Нам было страшно. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. boggle at; express consternation; start up
obs. shie
пугающе adj.
gen. in a frightening way (Andrey Truhachev); horribly (Abysslooker); scarring (Mr. Wolf); unnervingly (conveys a sense of anxiety or fear collinsdictionary.com Abysslooker); discomfortingly (Abysslooker); scarily (Anglophile); alarmingly (sea holly); unsettlingly (6-aman); worryingly (dreamjam); terrifyingly (Abysslooker); frighteningly (Andrey Truhachev); eerily (Her description of what happened there was eerily similar to the events laid out by another victim. miss_Destroy)
что-либо пугающее adj.
poetic affright
: 98 phrases in 19 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Information technology1
Labor organization1
Mass media9
Obsolete / dated2
Public relations1