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gen. exactly the opposite (Andrey Truhachev); antithetically
Игорь Миг the other way around
law in direct contrast (as in: In direct contrast, Mr. N stated that the agreement was a profitable contract. Leonid Dzhepko)
tech. diametrically opposed; diametrically opposite; exactly opposite; in polar opposition
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gen. antithetic; precisely the opposite of (bookworm); antithetical; diametrically opposed (Anglophile); exactly opposite; reverse (At present the situation is the reverse. | In most US states the situation is the reverse of the UK; land ownership records are widely available but prices paid for residential properties ... Alexander Demidov); just the opposite (vlad-and-slav)
Makarov. directly contrary; directly opposed; antipodal
math. the exact reverse of
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math. is exactly the opposite of; is is in direct opposition to; is is in complete contrast to
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math. the actions of two bodies on each other are equal and directly opposite
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: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
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