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gen. lesser mortals (Anglophile); mere mortals (But for us mere mortals, less pricey limited edition prints are also available to purchase. • High-end coffee aficionados might raise an eyebrow at that advice, but for us mere mortals it will work just fine. Anglophile); the run of mankind (Anglophile); regular people (Zukrynka); ordinary people (Zukrynka); mainstream people (Zukrynka); simple mortals (dimock); ordinary mortals (Anglophile)
context. underlings (в знач. "подчиненные": This is for underlings. The folks up top don't ever seem to get in trouble for their words or actions. (пример взят у Игоря Мига) 4uzhoj)
idiom. rank and file (the rank and file Andrey Truhachev)
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: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Figure of speech1