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простонародье nstresses
gen. peasantry (Notburga); commoners (Notburga); populace; plain folk; hoi polloi; commonalty; the vulgar; low life; mob; raff; vulgar; plain folks
Игорь Миг men on the street; lower classes
amer. Joe Sixpack (Liv Bliss)
book. commonality
contempt. ruck
lat. vulgus
Makarov. plain countryfolk; the multitude
Makarov., contempt. the rabble
Makarov., literal., derog., greek.lang. the hoi polloi ("многие")
obs. the common people (vitalinew); mobile
pejor. common folk (Andrey Truhachev); populace (Populace is increasingly used as a mere synonym for population, but its other connotations linger: "Population" is neutral, while "populace" often carries a superior tone toward the group it refers to.— The Grammarist: From the beginning, population referred to the collective inhabitants of a place, whereas populace had the meaning “ordinary people” as opposed to the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes. Not only did the word populace refer to the less privileged part of the population, it was also used as a pejorative term for “the mob, the rabble, the unthinking masses.” (dailywritingtips.com) ART Vancouver)
простонародие n
gen. populace
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects