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gen. simple partnership (A simple partnership is an agreement between several parties to jointly carry out business in or outside of Russia. The simple partnership under Russian law differs from an English common law partnership in that no new firm or business entity is formed; the partnership is in fact only a contractual arrangement. The simple partnership structure is not widely used and has only recently been seen in oil and gas production sharing agreements. DBiRF Alexander Demidov); special partnership
bank. ordinary partnership
busin. joint venture (V, Leonid Jepko Bema)
combust. general partnership (Prostoye Tovarishestvo general partnership) and Kommanditnoe Tovarishestvo limited partnership). These types of business entities are not popular approximately 0.5% of the total number of business entities). gutenberg.us rafail)
econ. society in participation
law joint adventure; particular partnership; unincorporated joint venture (Евгений Тамарченко); company constituted under civil law (GbR Andrey Truhachev); civil law company (Andrey Truhachev)
notar. association; copartnership (as distinguished from a corporate body); partnership
 Russian thesaurus
простое товарищество
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простое товарищество
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1