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простак nstresses
gen. simpleton; innocent; noddy; coot; cully; gander; goose; gull; jay; pigeon; sap; easy meat; simple Simon; wise man of Gotham; Gothamite; josser; moonraker; one-eye; tom-noddy; flatfoot; gawky; greener; gudgeon; simple; softy; spoony; yak; zany; Tom Farthing; a man of Gotham; simple soul; oaf; ouph; ouphe; victim; easy game (mark); easy touch (Anglophile); soft touch (Anglophile); nincompoop (Anglophile); ingenue (User); flat head; jay bird; one eye; suck egg; tom noddy; cuddy; greenhorn; halfwit (nofour138); Tom Fool (актёрское амплуа: наивные, простодушные или недалёкие людей в комедиях, водевилях, опереттах); lummox; mug; dupe; spoon; a wise man of Gotham; sucka (от слова sucker pavelforever); coof (Finoderi); chouse; cokes; coney; cony; a country put; driveler; driveller; flat; a green hand; ninny; ninny-hammer; nonny; simplician; a softly wan; Sawney; rube (That's for the rubes who trust the media. joyand)
amer. boob; fall guy; flunky
amer., Makarov. soft mark
amer., slang patsy; feeb (Charikova)
amer., theatre. straight man
austral., fig. dip
austral., fig., inf. galah
austral., inf. plat; Dill
austral., slang mutt
dial. gaby; geck; gomerel; gig; tommy
el. joe
Gruzovik, inf. gawk
idiom. fall off the turnip truck (Interex)
inf. pushover; sucker; lamb; noodle; simp; flat-head; muggins; prune; spooney; clutz; klutz; chump (Taras); soft; softie; gaga; lughead (Wakeful dormouse); dupe (Ремедиос_П); sop; Dilbert (MichaelBurov)
jarg. no-brainer (Anari)
lit. Tom Fool (Noddy, театральное амплуа)
Makarov. easy mark
nonstand. juggins
obs. changeling; dodipoll; geek; nisey; woodcock; bubble; nodcock
slang suck-egg; Charley; apple knocker; cheese-cloth; clodhopper; dirty-neck; goofus; gooney; Jeff; lobster; mark; monkey; moocher; nurd; oofus; potato digger; schnook; scissor-bill; scissorbill; scissorsbill; sweet pea; umpchay; wahoo; wheat; for the birds; yock; smurfbrain (Interex); Chupa Chup (VLZ_58); quick push (VLZ_58)
uncom. green goose
uncom., slang cull
vulg. simple shit; pie-eater
простаки n
gen. babes in the wood; babes and sucklings
: 26 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Names and surnames1
Obsolete / dated1