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gen. cut; glade; clearing; vista; cut-through; fire-break
construct. patch
tech. power transmission line

noun | noun | to phrases
просек nstresses
gen. cross-cut
agric. opening; gap; vista (in a forest); clearing
construct. room (при столбовой системе); gainer
dial. opening (in a forest)
geol. cross measure drift; cross-heading; cross-hole; cross-tunnel; crosscut; cut-through; thirl; chamber; stall road
Gruzovik, dial. cutting in a forest; opening in a forest
mining. breakoff; cross; gain; monkey; stenton; break-through; bord; back entry; cross cut; holing; straight stall (в мощном пласте); through cut; through-cut; X-cut; board; cross heading; stall roadway
просёк n
tech. cross adit; cross hole
просека n
gen. cut (дорога, проложенная через лес, скалы, заселённую часть города); glade (a small open area of grass in a wood or a forest. OALD Alexander Demidov); clearing; vista; cut-through; fire-break (в лесу); swathe; fire break (Especially in hilly or mountainous areas, roads or paths cut through brush with a tractor, bulldozer or other construction equipment. The purpose of these is to have an area with no brush, and thus, no fuel, so that a fire will hopefully burn out rather than jumping to another area with brush. Also to ensure vehicular access to brush areas. Found on wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov); firebreak (a strip of land in a wood or forest from which the trees have been removed to prevent a fire from spreading. CALD Alexander Demidov); swathe of felled trees (Рина Грант); ha-ha; haw-haw; lawn; path cleared in a forest
Gruzovik cutting in a forest; opening in a forest; forest road
agric. swath; gap; vista (in a forest)
amer. aisle
construct. patch; breakthrough; trench; opening (in forest)
ecol. narrow clearing
el. glade
energ.ind. forest corridor (напр., для ЛЭП OlCher)
forestr. branch trail; clearance; section line (MichaelBurov); ride; cleared strip; lane (MichaelBurov); forest swath (MichaelBurov)
geogr. cleared path; cutting
geophys. forest aisle (oliversorge)
Gruzovik, forestr. opening in forest; cutting in forest
mining. cross hole
mining., forestr. opening
pulp.n.paper opening ride
pwr.lines. right of way (линий электропередачи или антенн СДВ Побеdа)
trav. opening (лесная); cutting (лесная)
wood. break through; fall place; secondary ride
просеки n
mining. air passages
 Russian thesaurus
просека n
gen. полоса шириной 4-8 м, иногда до 20 м, вырубаемая в лесу для обозначения границ кварталов, прокладки линий электропередач, трубопроводов и т. п. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 63 phrases in 18 subjects
Firefighting and fire-control systems3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Pulp and paper industry7
Rail transport1
Wood processing1