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gen. wet through; soaked to one's skin (bookworm); completely drenched (A gloomy, wet, and misty day with horizontal rain. Completely drenched while filming this brief clip. twitter.com ART Vancouver)
idiom. drenched to the skin (Andrey Truhachev)
meteorol. soaked to the bone (glosbe.com Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. get a sousing; not to have a dry thread on; wet the skin; soak to the bone (букв.промокнуть до костей Rust71); get soaked to the skin (acebuddy); wringing wet (triumfov); get drenched (We got drenched yesterday at the Aquarium with grandkids!! Then it was sunny!! The weather is quite bizarre all over in March. ART Vancouver)
fig. be dripping wet
Gruzovik, fig. get soaked through and through
idiom. look like a drowned rat (Julie555); drench to the bone (Taras)
inf. be soaked through (Vmosk); get drenched to the skin (Vmosk); get soaked (‘It appears that Captain Flint was in the habit of marooning people on islands, and Master Thomas felt that he could pursue no more judicious course than to follow his example.' ‘But, good Lord, Jeeves! The man must be getting soaked.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – промок до нитки / на нём сухой нитки не осталось ART Vancouver)
Makarov. be wet to the skin; get a thorough sousing; get soaked through; get wet through; soak to the bone
proverb be soaked to the skin; he has not a dry stitch on him; he has not a dry stitch on his back; like a drowned rat
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: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Obsolete / dated1