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verb | verb | to phrases
продираться vstresses
gen. worm; scamble; trudge; rub along; charge through (Albonda); corkscrew; edge; muddle through (eugenealper); trample through (через бурелом, кусты и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky); wade (george serebryakov); claw (Abysslooker); shove; wade; cut through (Abysslooker)
context. scramble (As the burning plane landed, the terrified passengers scrambled for the door. (= tried to reach the door quickly))
fig. plough (Vadim Rouminsky); plow (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, inf. tear into holes (impf of продраться); force one's way through (impf of продраться); make one's way through (impf of продраться); wear into holes (impf of продраться); squeeze through (impf of продраться)
inf. criticize severely; drag through (with difficulty); force way through; make way through; pull out; rake over the coals; tear; tear holes (in); tear out; wear holes (in); wear into holes; wear out; comb out; pull through; squeeze through; plough on (Abysslooker); be tom; be worn through; make one's way; force one’s way
IT grovel obscenely (напр., через дебри программной документации)
Makarov. worm through
продирать v
gen. unglue
Gruzovik, inf. wear out (impf of продрать); tear holes in (impf of продрать); wear holes in (impf of продрать); tear out (impf of продрать); pull out (impf of продрать); comb out (impf of продрать); criticize severely (impf of продрать); rake over the coals (impf of продрать); pull through with difficulty (impf of продрать); drag through with difficulty (impf of продрать); tear (impf of продрать); go by (impf of продрать); drive by (impf of продрать); pass by (impf of продрать)
inf. wear through; criticize severely; drag through (with difficulty); pull out; rake over the coals; tear holes (in); tear out; wear holes (in); wear out; comb out; pull through
Makarov. tear holes (in)
: 69 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1