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придурок nstresses
gen. meathead (Anglophile); nitwit; gork (Anglophile); loony (Anglophile); rockhead (Anglophile); ignoramus (Andrew Goff); stupid fuck (Dude67); crackpot (scherfas); feeb; dimwit (Tanya Gesse); so-and-so; deadneck; fool (I. Havkin); patch; tit (ad_notam); numbnut (vogeler); banana truck; bananas truck; fuck-up (Zippity); schlub (vogeler)
Игорь Миг rugger-bugger (разг. ///She took off with some rugger-bugger... on our honeymoon tickets to Rio.Моя невеста сбежала с каким-то придурком и забрала наши билеты на медовый месяц в Рио.); jackass (разг., руг.); nutjob; nut job; whack job; chump; bonker balls; wack-a-doodle
amer. putz (Anglophile); dipstick (Anglophile); dorf (Anglophile); droid (Anglophile); dumbo (Anglophile); no-account (Anglophile); schloomp (Anglophile); schmendrick (Anglophile); simp (Anglophile); gonzo (Anglophile); gump (Anglophile); gunsel (Anglophile); moron (Maggie); golem (Anglophile); sicko (Taras); shmuck (variant spelling of schmuck Denis Lebedev); bozo (Bozo,you have again get caught in сrap, but now to you don't get off lightly! Придурок,ты снова ввалился в это дерьмо,но теперь тебе дёшево не отделаться! Rust71); junkhole (exnomer); mutt (short of "muttonhead" Val_Ships); creep (Daisy********); doofus (My boyfriend is such a doofus. He tried to hold the door for me. "What's wrong with that?" "It was a revolving door." Val_Ships); stunad (Italain-American slang for a stupid person, light-headed person; In standard Italian it would be Italian stonato "out of tune": You stunad, you forgot the tickets?! Taras); jerkface (Taras); baboon (a jerk; a stupid person (Also a rude term of address): Stop acting like a baboon! Grow up! Hey, baboon, get off my lawn! Komparse); loof (MartiniDetka); dumb skull (a moron Taras); buttmunch (Taras); knuckle-dragger (a stupid man who thinks and behaves in simple, basic ways Taras); dimwit (Maggie); dumbbell (Maggie); imbecile (Maggie); ding-dong (Taras)
animat. choad (Aw, come on Stan, maybe that's just because you look like a total choad South_Park)
avunc. dumb-ass (Andrey Truhachev)
brit. bellend (Taras); div (macrugenus); bugger (mainly UK/Aus/NZ term) The original meaning (sodomite) has been in declining use since 60s/70s and is now rare. In 9 of 10 cases it's simply as a mild slang word for 'person'): I've had a letter from those stupid buggers at the tax office. • He's a silly bugger for losing his keys. • That bugger′s given me the wrong change. mviformat); knobhead (Taras); bell end (Taras); blert (foolish person. Someone of limited intelligence Still used in suburbs of Liverpool as a derogatory term; syn.: spaz, dickhead: Eh mate... you fuckin blert? Taras); womble (a foolish, clumsy or unfortunate person. Since the appearance of the books and television puppets of the same name in the early 1970s, the word has been appropriated, particularly by schoolchildren, to refer to someone considered feeble, contemptible or a misfit. Gonk and muppet, both names of grotesque creatures, have been used with the same connotations: She hangs around with wombles (Recorded, schoolgirl, London, 1986 Taras)
comp.games. doorstopper (Taras); door stopper (Taras)
contempt. ass-hat (luminorena)
derog. schmuck (Anglophile)
Gruzovik, inf. dullard
inf. twit (Anglophile); gaga (Anglophile); pudding head (Anglophile); rattlebrain (Anglophile); twerp (Anglophile); simpleton (Andrey Truhachev); momo (Tamerlane); sucker (Анна Ф); dope (Anglophile); Punchinello (a stupid one Andrey Truhachev); loon (Taras); moron (an idiot Val_Ships); shrub (He felt like a complete shrub after he spilled the beans Taras); crack ass (stana); faggot (A word used to describe someone who's acting like a faggot. Faggot doesn't mean gay in this context, it just means someone's being a fucking faggot. I'd never call a gay guy faggot, but if someone tells me something fuckin stupid, that faggot can eat a dick Yeldar Azanbayev); retard (He's like a retard that doesn't know any better Andrey Truhachev); softhead; pothead; patcher; tool (chronik); creeper (joyand); goofball (VLZ_58); knucklehead (Abysslooker); mouth breather (Taras)
inf., brit. clot (ad_notam)
invect. circus freak (Taras); d-bag (сокращение от douche bag cherryberry); douchebag (April May); chucklefuck (Taras); dork (nicknicky777); shithead (nicknicky777); prick (nicknicky777); butthead (nicknicky777); ball bag (Taras); jerk (nicknicky777); suck bag (a variation of the douche bag Taras)
irish gobdaw (Taras)
jarg. bananahead (nicknicky777)
low prawn (CHichhan)
rude bonehead; dumbass (Alex Krayevsky); sod (Manioc1); fagbag (Taras); jerk-off; bugger (mviformat)
slang droob (Anglophile); dude; pillock (Svetlana D); goofer (Anglophile); goofus (Anglophile); goopus (Anglophile); hammerhead (Anglophile); saddo (Vic_Ber); gomer (Franka_LV); Adam Henry (AH for asshole Svetlana D); mortadella (итал. амер. С. Г. Чадов); spuz (broco); jag (=jag-off Igor Klenovy); lard-head (Taras); Spaz; dingus (Technical); doofy (Technical); divvy (BrE Anglophile); dorк (Anglophile); wally (VLZ_58); fuckhead (Answer me that, fuckheads! – А ну, отвечайте, придурки! Andy); spaz (Andy); prize plum (suburbian); feeb (VLZ_58); dipwad (One who is stupid or irritating: Geez, he keeps pulling on a door that's clearly marked "push"–what a dipwad. Horacio_O); wackjob (vogeler); whackjob (vogeler); wack job (vogeler); fooligan (Taras); it; lame-brain; lame-brained; not all there; dipshit; fossil; jellybean; Jerk McGee; klutz; lamb; nougat; nut; nut-case; nutcase; one-eye; ook; retard; yo-yo yoyo; bada (sensaurus); cheeseball (urbandictionary.com Щапов Андрей); stuka (Technical); dickbiscuit (Victoria_X); burk (Pigalle); ijit (Prastabah); cockwaffle (Technical); deadneck (Do you think this guy's a deadneck? Buddy89); fucknut (сериал "Перевозчик", 4-я серия igorvkalinin)
vulg. twat (Alex Krayevsky); douchebag (Ana_net); fuckface (Suvor); tosser (Taras)
yiddish. shmendrik (SGints); shlimazl (MichaelBurov); meshuggah (MichaelBurov); meshuga (MichaelBurov); shlemazl (MichaelBurov)
шутл. придурок n
inf. dumaflache (['du:məfla:ʤ] a funny word to call somebody who is being weird: "Dude, your such a dumaflache!" urbandictionary.com Lily Snape)
слэнг. придурок n
gen. mug (Alex Lilo)
придурки n
pris.sl. trusties
: 53 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling2