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gen. discombobulate (bigmaxus); abash; disconcert; give pause to; put out of countenance; pose; puzzle; discountenance; flatten; maze; confuse; discomfit; embarrass; nonplus; beat out of countenance; posturize; throw into confusion (Anglophile); disarray; babelize; confound; stumble; wilder; have baffled (Atlantic Alex_Odeychuk); catch off guard (alikssepia); gravel; flummox; beat (oliversorge); baffle (Sergei Aprelikov); faze (VLZ_58); bash; perplex; stagger; disorient (Olya34)
Игорь Миг unsettle; knock off balance; cause red faces; bewilder; bowl over
amer., inf. muss
austral., slang throw; rattle
dial., amer. hack
fig. rout
fig.of.sp. box-up (алешаBG)
humor. wander
idiom. throw off kilter (george serebryakov)
inf. stump; space out (The whole business just spaced me out. VLZ_58); knock back (VLZ_58); fall into disarray (Val_Ships)
Makarov. fog; bring to confusion; flatten out; muss up; throw dust in someone's eyes (кого-либо); throw dust in the eyes of (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., austral. box up
mil. confuse (войска)
rhetor. throw for a loop (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang jerk off
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gen. throw smb. into confusion (into a state of agitation, into (a, high) fever, etc., и т.д.)
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gen. disconcertingly
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inf. tip over the edge (george serebryakov)
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: 14 phrases in 5 subjects