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престижный районstresses
gen. affluent neighbourhood (жилой Ремедиос_П); affluent neighborhood (жилой Ремедиос_П)
idiom. the right side of the tracks (oliversorge)
real.est. A-plus location (имеющий преимущества перед остальными, поэтому более дорогой: “I think what this indicates is that maybe brand new buildings in an A-plus location isn’t where you want to put your affordable units because what people see is even if you spend a lot of money to subsidize for affordability, what you get really is not all that affordable.” (cityhallwatch.wordpress.com) ART Vancouver); prime location (Tom Davidoff, an economist with the UBC Sauder School of Business ... told CBC’s The Early Edition that 1807 Larch is a lesson that it may be too expensive to build new affordable housing in prime locations. (cityhallwatch.wordpress.com) ART Vancouver)
престижный фешенебельный район
inf. area of good address (Mirinare)
престижный район
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1