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по сути делаstresses
gen. the fact of the matter; in fact (I. Havkin); in principle (Val_Ships); in point of fact (Franka_LV); in essence (Aly19); as such (I. Havkin); in effect (I. Havkin); point being (Point being, they were expecting the entire school to change just for these two girls andreon); at the core (VLZ_58); at root; essentially (I. Havkin); virtually (in essence, but not in fact: He virtually admitted he was guilty. I. Havkin); substantially (I. Havkin); ultimately (cognachennessy); basically (Баян); for all intents and purposes (joyand); fundamentally (cognachennessy); in reality
Игорь Миг at core; the fact of the matter is that; be blunt; quintessential
dipl. as a matter of fact
lat. ipso facto (by the very nature of the deed Val_Ships)
Makarov. internally; properly speaking
med. Practically speaking (inspirado)
obs. when all comes to all (Bobrovska); when all goes to all (Bobrovska)
scient. in medias res (лат. tavost)
по сути дела
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects