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потихоньку adv.stresses
понемногу; мало-помалу; не спеша; по мере возможности
gen. silently; noiselessly (Азери); inchmeal (little by little "Judy fights against her own body to accomplish the smallest tasks, fighting battles inchmeal in a war she'll never win." – Serena Donadoni, The Village Voice, 22 June 2018 VLZ_58); easy (о действии, требующем острожности: Easy, easy... – Потихоньку, потихоньку... ART Vancouver); bit by bit (kiselmann); on the sly; sotto voce; by sly degrees; on the quiet; stealthily (Tink); quietly (Pickman); by stealth (Супру); slow and steady (напр., продвигаться осторожно и не спеша 4uzhoj); nice and easy (4uzhoj); one step at a time (Taras); nice and slow (4uzhoj); slowly; secretly
amer. baby steps (Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. softly
idiom. in dribs and drabs (4uzhoj)
inf. about six and six (в ответ на "как дела" 13.05); getting by (в ответ на "как дела?" 4uzhoj); plugging along ("How are you doing, Fred?" "Just plugging along, thanks." "And you?" "About the same." VLZ_58); so far, so good (в ответ на "как дела" 4uzhoj); gradually
nautic. handsomely
uncom. on tiptoe (Супру)
: 48 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated3
Quotes and aphorisms1