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gen. connive; appease; humour; humor; indulge; pander
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gen. I knew it all along

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gen. connive; appease; humour (кому-либо); humor; indulge (Katie's a spoiled brat because her parents indulge her too much. • It's part of her agent's job to indulge her whims.); pander (Victor Parno); condone (Victor Parno); gratify (капризам); show too much indulgence (Anglophile); enable (dms); be lenient; play up to (Taras); spoil; play along (bit20); wait on hand and foot (chingachguk1977); collude ("the analyst unwittingly colluding with the ocnophilic, agoraphobic tendencies in the patient" Bobb); wink; winking; cater to
Игорь Миг encourage; pamper
disappr. pander to (The closure to through-traffic of Point Grey Road in 2018 (again, under Gregor Robertson and Vision Vancouver) massively increased property values along this route. In effect, it is as if City Hall is pandering to the wealthiest residents north of the road. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
fig. pedal (AlexandraM)
Gruzovik, inf. pander to; turn a blind eye to
idiom. drum up (Interex); egg somebody on (Interex); cut someone some slack (alia20)
inf. turn a blind eye (to); study (чему-либо); indulge (with dat.)
Makarov. scratch one where one itches; soothe
psycholing. do things for (someone Viacheslav Volkov)
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gen. winkingly
: 38 phrases in 5 subjects