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gen. attempt; effort; venture; essay; try; smite
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gen. tinker
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попытка nstresses
gen. attempt; effort; venture; essay; try (to have a try at something – попытаться сделать что-либо); smite; overture (примирения, завязывания знакомства); stab; trying; nisus; tentamen; try-on; try on; foray; a shot (akimboesenko); endeavour; go; shot (угадать и т. п.); shy; trial; shot (угадать и т. п.) Guess, but remember, you only have one shot. / We only get one shot at firing the rocket motor.: You have to guess, but remember, you only have one shot. • We only get one shot at firing the rocket motor.); proffer; go round; tentative
amer. endeavor
austral., slang burl; crack
bob. run (спуск)
comp. experiment
dat.proc. take (capissimo); crack (capissimo)
inf. bash; slap; smack
law offer; attempt (совершения преступления)
Makarov. apprise; bid; offering; whirl
obs., Makarov. assay
psychol. run
skiing course; manche
slang header; the big time; elbow-grease (Interex); throw (Interex); show; whack; fling
sport. carry (амер. футбол Пан); bid (тж. спорт.); attempt (повторяющееся выступление); down (занесение мяча); round (круг); try; trial attempt; test
swim. swimming trial
tech. test trial
telecom. attempting (oleg.vigodsky)
попытки n
gen. approaches
Игорь Миг endeavours; endeavors
comp.games. lives ("жизни" sankozh)
lat., Makarov. tentamina
oil tries
пробная попытка n
seism. trial
энергичная попытка n
gen. endeavor
попытка кое -как починить
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