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verb | verb | to phrases
поправляйся vstresses
gen. get well (Баян); feel better (slitely_mad); get better (slitely_mad)
поправляться v
gen. mend (о здоровье); pull through; improve in health; resume one's health; be doing well (о больном); grow better; get better (после болезни и т.п.); get better (после болезни и т. п.); do; come round (после болезни); recreate (ssn); rally from (после болезни: Has the child rallied from her fever yet? – Девочка уже оправилась от лихорадки? Taras); adjust; correct; get well (Юрий Гомон); rearrange; rectify; recuperate; repair; restore; set right; straighten out; better; do well; put on weight; regain one's health; pick up (выздоравливать); improve (Mirzabaiev Maksym); do splendidly (В.И.Макаров); ameliorate; convalesce (от болезни); feel belter; grow well; be on the mending hand (здоровьем); recruit; get well; pick up health (strength); come along (о больном); fill out
Gruzovik recuperate (impf of поправиться)
amer. be on the mend (о здоровье Val_Ships)
brit. pull round (после болезни; to regain one's health)
fig. save the lurch; perk up (после болезни)
Gruzovik, inf. take a hair of the dog that bit you (impf of поправиться); take a drop for one's hangover (impf of поправиться)
inf. take a drop for hangover; round out (набирать вес igisheva); heal up (Val_Ships); come along (VLZ_58)
inf., med. reduce (a dislocated bone); set
Makarov. pick up flesh; recover; feed up; be on recovery; be on the recovery; be upon recovery; come along; gain on; gain on weight; get better; get on; put on; rally from (после болезни); be in recovery; be in the recovery; be upon the recovery; pick up
Makarov., inf. be doing splendidly (о больном); be doing well; do well (о больном)
med. convalesce; make convalescence; gain weight; correct oneself; be up and about again (Andrey Truhachev); be up and about after an illness; after sleep (Andrey Truhachev)
поправлять v
gen. adjust; ameliorate; piece up; put in repair; reduce; reduct; repair; set in; touch off; trim; trimming; straighten; mend (здоровье); recover; touch up; fettle; reinstate (здоровье); righten; rearrange; rectify; remediate (Victor Parno); amend; renovate; put right; disabuse (кого-либо bigmaxus); come along (дела, здоровье); restore (здоровье); set right; straighten out; redress; correct; improve (one’s health); better; readjust (причёску); retrieve (дела и т.п.); refresh; adjust (The soldier adjusted the rifle on his shoulder 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik repair
busin. reestablish; re-establish
Gruzovik, inf. set a dislocated bone (impf of поправить); reduce a dislocated bone (impf of поправить)
inf. spiff up (The company is trying to spiff up its image. VLZ_58); revamp
inf., med. reduce (a dislocated bone)
Makarov. set (шляпу, платок, галстук, волосы); to re-establish; set right (кого-либо); set straight (кого-либо)
math. fix
obs. redub
"поправляю" v
chess.term. "j'adoube!" (жадуб); I adjust; j'adoube
поправлятьсяпосле болезни, побоев v
gen. pick up one's crumbs; pick up one's strength; pick up one's flesh
Поправляю v
chess.term. J'adoube (согласно шахматному этикету, оговорка, позволяющая поправить положение фигуры или пешки на доске, не обязывающая делать ею ход SirReal); I adjust (SirReal)
поправлятьсяздоровьем v
gen. pick up one's crums
: 109 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Cosmetics and cosmetology2
Obsolete / dated1
Road surface1