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verb | verb | to phrases
помирить vstresses
gen. reconcile; bring together; compromise; make peace between (someone: Even my father couldn't make peace between them. • Peace did not last long, and in the forthcoming war, she still tried to make peace between her sons. ); keep the peace between (You'll find a way to keep the peace between Catherine and Kristen.)
Gruzovik be a go-between (pf of мирить)
inf. fix things between; fix (We still need to fix Ryan and his dad. reverso.net)
Makarov. make up; patch up
помириться v
gen. make up (How two Middle East powerhouses fell out, then made up cnn.com); make peace; make amends (I hope they can stop fighting and make amends. • But I'm sorry about that and I hope we can make amends.); make friends; make up a quarrel; sink a feud; smoke the pipe of peace; achieve reconciliation with (с кем-либо); heal the breach; kiss and be friends; make it up with (с кем-либо); piece up a quarrel; set oneself right with (с кем-либо); achieve reconcilement with (с кем-либо); patch it up with (с кем-либо Баян); patch it up with; be at one (with someone с кем-либо); come together; patch up a friendship (Andrey Truhachev); make it up (with); be reconciled (with); patch things up (He is going to try to patch things up with his girlfriend. VLZ_58); reconcile (вновь сойтись с: Khloe Kardashian hits out at rumours she's reconciled with ex French Montana after they partied together. VLZ_58); put oneself right with (с кем-либо); mend the relationship (Ivan Pisarev); become reconciled (after a quarrel); reconcile oneself (to); resign oneself (to); learn to accept; make peace with (smb., с кем-л.)
Gruzovik make it up with (pf of мириться); be reconciled with (pf of мириться)
amer. resolve things (We never resolved things – Мы так и не помирились Taras)
idiom. make good (разг. Баян); make it up (chiefly British usage: to become friendly again after being angry (Merriam-Webster): "Telling a fellow he was getting a double chin!" "Did she do that?" "She did." "Oh, well, girls will be girls. Forget it, Tuppy. Go to her and make it up." He shook his head. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ступай к ней и помирись ART Vancouver)
Makarov. plaster a quarrel (кое-как); set oneself right with (someone – с кем-либо); be reconciled with (прекращать ссору, вражду); make one's peace with (прекращать ссору, вражду); put oneself right with (someone – с кем-либо); make up with (someone); make up with (someone – с кем-либо); patch up a quarrel
slang play catch with; play ball; play ball with; bury the hatchet
помиритесь v
gen. make your peace with him
кое-как помириться v
gen. plaster a quarrel
Помирись! v
inf. Make it up! (MichaelBurov)
: 45 phrases in 3 subjects