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полный бредstresses
gen. a load of old cobblers (Anglophile); lot of hooey (That's a lot of hooey and you know it! Val_Ships); idle tale (Kostya Lopunov)
Игорь Миг crap; sheer nonsense; complete rubbish; total bunk; ravings of a madman
context. not make sense (Electric cars do not make sense as once the batteries have been depleted what are you going to do with those thousands or millions of dead batteries? More pollution. Natural gas or Hydrogen is the way to go; clean burn, no huge environmental stockpiles like batteries. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
dipl. the veriest nonsense (bigmaxus)
inf. utter rubbish (Andrey Truhachev); a load of bollocks (yarkru); utter nonsense (Andrey Truhachev); load of hooey (Don't waste your money on that book–it's a lot of hooey. Val_Ships); total mess (Translation_Corporation); completely bonkers (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
rhetor. a load of nonsense (financial-engineer)
полный бред
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects