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gen. maybe; I suppose; perhaps; p'raps; arguably; probably
| он
slavon. archaic name of the letter о
| совсем не изменился
 совсем не измениться
amer. not change a whit

verb | verb | particle | to phrases
пожалуй vstresses
gen. well, all right! (indicating reluctant consent)
пожаловать v
gen. accord; grant; estate (имение); octroy; visit (на праздник пожаловала даже Елизавета II. Moscowtran)
пожалуй v
gen. might as well (used to make an unenthusiastic suggestion: I might as well begin VLZ_58)
пожаловать v
Игорь Миг treat to
Gruzovik, obs. confer; present (pf of жаловать); bestow (pf of жаловать); reward with (pf of жаловать); come (pf of жаловать)
hist. estate (имение и т.п.)
inf. like; favor; favour; regard with favor; regard with favour; be gracious (to)
inf., obs. visit (with к)
Makarov. give; bestow a grant on (что-либо, кому-либо); confer a grant on (что-либо, кому-либо); confer a grant on (что-либо кому-либо)
obs. indulge (to grant as a kindness, favor, or privilege 4uzhoj); bestow; award; grant (to); pay a visit; reward (with); confer; present
sarcast. deign to visit (ART Vancouver); kindly visit (ART Vancouver)
пожаловаться v
gen. inform against (кому-либо, на кого-либо); inform on (кому-либо, на кого-либо); repine; make a complaint (zabic); grumble; report (на); lament (в знач. "посетовать" на что-либо); grass up (на кого-либо; to report someone to a person in authority matchin); file grievances (against – на: Is there a place that posters can file their grievances against bad moderators? 4uzhoj); complain (about); register a complaint (with); grouse (MichaelBurov); growl (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik complain of/about (pf of жаловаться); grumble (pf of жаловаться); inform on/against (pf of жаловаться); tell tales about (pf of жаловаться)
austral. pimp on (кому-либо, на кого-либо Taras)
busin. make a complaint about
formal file a complaint (She's threatening to file a complaint. I think you should talk to her. • If you believe you were treated unfairly by the RCMP, file a complaint. ART Vancouver)
inet. report (4uzhoj)
inf. bitch; inform (on, against); tell tales (about)
jarg. beef
Makarov. complain to (someone – кому-либо)
obs. be awarded; be decorated (with)
poetic plain; moan
slang squeal; griping
пожалуйте! v
gen. please come!; come in please!; give me...!; let me have...!; your... please!
пожалуйте v
obs. come in (обращение)
old.fash. please (as a polite address or request, as in: please come in, please help yourself, etc)
пожалуй part.
gen. maybe; I suppose; perhaps; p'raps; arguably (напр.: пожалуй, лучший – arguably the best Халеев); probably (sas_proz); I think (linton); I think I will (I thought I'd give you a ring (я подумала,пожалуй, позвоню тебе) pivoine); pretty much (Баян); he may as well; he might as well; after all (Pickman); think (that); may very well be (Vic_Ber); possibly (Баян); it has to be ("Is that enough?" "Yes". He clenched his fists at his sides. "It has to be". Побеdа); I just might (может использоваться и перед глаголом: пожалуй, я пойду: I just might go Побеdа); we just might (может использоваться и перед глаголом: пожалуй, мы пойдём: we just might go Побеdа); may; rather; why (выражает колебание)
Gruzovik very likely
Игорь Миг it appears
amer. kind of (it's kind of late to begin Val_Ships); at least (used to ​reduce the ​effect of a ​statement; I can ​handle it – at least, I ​think so. Val_Ships); at least I think so (used to ​reduce the ​effect of a ​statement; I can ​handle it – at least, I ​think so. Val_Ships)
brit. I dare say (MargeWebley); on second thoughts (kristy021)
idiom. if you like (В.И.Макаров)
inf. as well (It's late. We may as well be on our way. george serebryakov); mayhap (archaic: mayhap some day I'll understand the riddle Val_Ships)
пожалуй, я part.
gen. I think I'll
Пожалуй. part.
gen. I suppose so.
: 219 phrases in 26 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Humorous / Jocular1
Obsolete / dated3
Social media1