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подъехать vstresses
gen. approach; drop in; make up to; draw up (to); ride up (to); drive up to; ride up to; draw up to; pull up to; ride up to a place (куда́-л.)
Gruzovik drive up to (pf of подъезжать); draw up to (pf of подъезжать); ride up to (pf of подъезжать)
fig., inf. get (round); worm oneself into someone's favor; worm oneself into someone's favour
Gruzovik, fig. get round (someone); pf of подъезжать); worm oneself into someone's favor (pf of подъезжать)
Gruzovik, inf. call on (pf of подъезжать)
inf. call (on); make it to (If you can make it to my town, I've got 2 Mongooses in my garage I'd give ya. 4uzhoj); come over (куда-либо, к кому-либо: I'll come over in a bit if you want. • I'm gonna come over in a bit – want to talk to you about something. 4uzhoj); come across (в знач. "приехать" 4uzhoj); drop over (=заехать к кому-либо: If you don't object I'll drop over to your place about eight this evening, and we can get this expedited. 4uzhoj); drive over (to some place) to go in a vehicle to some place that is neither close by nor far away.: Let's drive over to Larry's place. – Yes, let's drive over. It's too far to walk. 4uzhoj); get (get to someone, get somewhere 4uzhoj)
Makarov. roll up (arrive by vehicle, usually by car) .: We thought Jim would be late for the wedding, but then we saw him roll up in front of the church in his Mercedes); ride up (верхом)
obs. motor down (куда-либо на машине) В оксфордском словаре помета "old-fashioned, British English": If he's at home he'll motor down in less than fifteen minutes. • I will motor down to see you in about an hour or so. • If everything else fails Christiana & I will motor down within 3 weeks. 4uzhoj)
slang reach
transp. drive up (Andrey Truhachev); ride up to something (Andrey Truhachev)
Игорь Миг, fig. worm one's way into someone's good graces (Всю обратную дорогу я размышлял, как бы мне к нему подъехать – The entire way home I thought about how to worm my way into his good graces (Michele Berdy)); get on someone's good side
"подъехать" v
gen. reach (к кому-либо)
: 65 phrases in 9 subjects
Human resources1
Rail transport1