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gen. raise a fuss; raise Cain; raise hell; kick up a racket; kick up a shindy; make a dust; make a racket; raise a dust; raise a stink; raise a disturbance; raise hail Columbia; make a fuss (Anglophile); kick up a row; make the fur fly; raise a howl; make a din (ZakharovStepan); kick up a fuss; cause a commotion (The odd incident occurred early Wednesday morning in the community of Lawrence Tavern when farmer Mavis Edwards was roused from her sleep by the sound of her dogs causing a commotion outside of her home. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver); make noise (источник – DLI RUSSIAN Glossary; ссылка – yojik.eu dimock)
amer. kick up a quarrel; kick up a shine; kick up the devil's delight; kick up the dust; make a row; raise a row; raise hell's delight; raise hue and cry; raise merry Ned; raise Ned; raise promiscuous Ned; raise the mischief; raise the roof; tear up Jack
idiom. make heavy weather ("(…) So snap into it, my lad. I can't see what you're making all this heavy weather about. It doesn't seem to me much to do for a loved aunt." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver); raise a racket (Tumatutuma); cry foul (over ... – по поводу ... Alex_Odeychuk); scream blue murder; go through the roof (VLZ_58)
inf. make a shindy (Svetlana D); raise a shindy (Svetlana D); make a stink (Andrey Truhachev); kick up a stink (Andrey Truhachev); cause a ruckus (also "raise a ruckus": When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means — loud and maybe a little rowdy.: An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Makarov. create a disturbance; kick up a bobbery; kick up a dust; kick up a rumpus; make a disturbance; raise the devil; cause a disturbance; kick up a din; raise a rumpus; raise mischief
Makarov., inf., amer. raise jack
obs. keep a coil (Bobrovska); make a coil (Bobrovska)
slang raise a big smoke; raise Cain (mischief; a rumpus; the devil; the roof; sand)
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obs. make ado
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: 26 phrases in 3 subjects