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поднять рукуstresses
gen. put up a hand; challenge the authority of (someone, something); lift hand against (на кого-либо); put one's own hand up (на уроке Ekvlal); bring one's hand up (чью-л.:: ... And you bring her hands up. And then, you come forward just a little bit, and back. Hey, baby! Good job! – поднимаем ручки (ребёнку) ART Vancouver); question the authority of (someone, something); raise their hand (A student raises their hand and asks the teacher a question. Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. raise a hand (to someone: I never raise a hand to my children (or my wife) and instead discipline through discussion and by example. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. up with arm; up with hand; lift one's hand; raise one's hand
proverb dare to strike to raise one's hand against (someone)
school.sl. hold up hand (If you know the answer hold up your hand. Mavka)
поднять руки
gen. throw in one's hand (т.е. сдаться); throw up one's hand (т.е. сдаться); put up hands; put up one's hands
Makarov. raise one's hands
поднимите руки
gen. hands up (Hands up who thought about dating their cousin?); hands up; hands up! (на уроке и т.п.)
поднимите руки!
gen. stick up your hands!
Поднять руки!
slang reach for the sky
поднять руку
: 54 phrases in 6 subjects
Regional usage other than language varieties1