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gen. parget; grease money (Grease money is money that is paid to an official to facilitate the rapid processing of bureaucratic paperwork. Such a payment is known as a grease or facilitating payment, and the legality of such payments varies, depending on the laws that govern the activities of the official and the person or company offering the payment. Some people consider these payments to be a form of bribery, since they involve offering money to a public official with an expectation of a result, while others argue that they are only used to expedite a task that will be performed anyway, whether or not funds are offered. As such, it is simply a cost of doing business in some parts of the world. wisegeek.org Alexander Demidov); lubrication payment (A small sum of money or other gifts or services to be paid or given to government officials to expedite business operations in countries that do not prohibit such activity. Whenever I start up a new factory overseas, I make sure to bring along enough cash on hand for any lubrication payments I may need to make. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); grease payment (chiefly US, idiomatic, business, law, ethics) A bribe or extorted money, usually relatively small in amount, provided to a low-level government official or business person, in order to expedite a business decision, shipment, or other transaction, especially in a country where such payments are not unusual. Critics say there is no distinction between extortion and bribery, and that the distinction between a payoff illegal) and a "grease" payment made to speed along normal duties legal under the act) is unclear. An important legal distinction is the difference between bribery and "grease payments," which are paid in these countries not to affect someone's decision-making but to speed the process of dealing with government. Synonyms: baksheesh, grease money, lubrication payment. WT Alexander Demidov); pargeting; rough cast
Gruzovik greasing; grease; plaster; parget (a mixture, such as plaster or roughcast, used to coat walls and line chimneys)
el.chem. putty
fig., inf. bribe
Gruzovik, fig. bribe
paint.w. first coat (при окраске)
polym. surfacer
slang dash; palm oil
tech. back bed (с внутренней стороны); back bedding (с внутренней стороны); bed (при остеклении); bedding (при остеклении); back-bed (с внутренней стороны); back-bedding (с внутренней стороны)
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