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verb | verb | to phrases
погубить vstresses
gen. canker; kill; perish; scathe; shipwreck; wilt (цветы); play hell; fordo; scupper; scuttle; cook someone's goose (кого-либо); break the back; break the neck; play the devil; play the mischief; mar; play the devil with (что-либо); play the devil and all with (что-либо); throw over the perch (кого-либо); turn over the perch; diddle; jack; bring to naught; throw over the perch; short circuit; ulcerate; do the business for (sb.); cook goose (кого-либо); do the job for (кого-либо); do job (кого-либо); do business for (кого-либо); do one's business (кого-либо); play the very devil with (что-либо); lay waste; spoil; waste; blight; dish (часто – о политической борьбе); murder; undo; send someone down the river (напр., The corrupt judge sent the innocent man down the river Рина Грант); overwhelm; ruin; bring to ruin; bring to destruction (кого-либо); put out of business (кого-либо); knock off the perch; bring down (КГА); be the undoing (of); sell down the river (Рина Грант); make sth fail (Andrey Truhachev); make sth fall through (Andrey Truhachev); make sth break down (Andrey Truhachev); sell down the river (напр., The corrupt judge sold the innocent man down the river Рина Грант); break one's back (кого-л.); break; cause the loss of; occasion the loss of; overthrow; bring one to ruin (кого-л.); damage permanently (напр., репутацию Ремедиос_П); do someone's job (кого-либо); settle someone's hash (кого-либо); destroy; cook one's goose (кого-л.); do one's business for (sb., кого-л.)
Gruzovik destroy; lay waste (pf of губить); waste (pf of губить); be the undoing of (pf of губить)
Игорь Миг fail at; do in
fig. ruinate; ruination
fig.of.sp. be the ruin of (someone – кого-либо) to make someone lose all their money, their good health, the good opinion that other people have of them etc: Drinking was the ruin of him КГА)
idiom. cook goose (кого-либо Alesya Kitsune); spell the death of (The Stamp Act–the "fatal Black-Act," one printer called it–was set to go into effect on November 1, 1765. Beginning that day, printers were to affix stamps to their pages and to pay tax collectors a halfpenny for every half sheet–amounting, ordinarily, to a penny for every copy of every issue of every newspaper–and a two-shilling tax on every advertisement. Printers insisted that they could not bear this cost. It would spell the death of the newspaper. newyorker.com Andrey Truhachev)
inf. cook someone's goose (кого-либо); cook (кого-либо); trip up (Your own lies will trip you up. VLZ_58); take so/sth out (Liv Bliss); do the job for (someone – кого-либо)
lit. wither (GeorgeK)
Makarov. work the ruin of (кого-либо); damn prospects (кого-либо); do the business for (кого-либо); break the back of something (что-либо); do for (someone – кого-либо); knock a person off his perch (кого-либо); settle someone's hash (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. jack up; knock up
Makarov., slang do up
nautic. scuttler
slang cook someone's goose (кого-либо); do in
погубиться v
gen. be destroyed; be wasted
: 117 phrases in 5 subjects