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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
перестой nstresses
agric. dead-ripe stage; overripenning; overmaturity
ecol. declining stand; overmatured stand
forestr. overmature stand; overmature tree; old growth timber (MichaelBurov); old-growth timber (MichaelBurov); overripe (с/х); overmature (с/х)
Makarov. overmature (леса, сельскохозяйственной культуры); overripe (леса, сельскохозяйственной культуры)
pulp.n.paper overseasoned tree
tech. overmature wood (MichaelBurov)
перестоять v
gen. be left standing too long (and turn sour); get past its prime (пропустить лучший момент alemaster)
Gruzovik stand too long (pf of перестаивать)
agric. get overripe; get overmature; deteriorate in storage
fig., inf. wait for to pass; wait until passes
Gruzovik, fig. wait for something to pass (pf of перестаивать); wait until something passes (pf of перестаивать)
inf. wait out; wait until smth. passes
перестояться v
Gruzovik, inf. be left to stand too long (pf of перестаиваться)
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Pulp and paper industry6
Wood processing1