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переломный моментstresses
gen. critical time (напр, we are at a critical time in our country's history Olga Okuneva); epoch (истории, жизни и т.п.); crucial moment (Рустем Галеев); crisis (zeev); tipping point (Ivan Gribanov); crisis point (Александр Рыжов); tiltpoint (tavost); crossroad; watermark moment (seecow); watershed (Many are calling the booing incident against Vladimir Putin last Saturday during the Monson-Emelianenko mixed martial arts match a watershed mark in Putin’s inevitable demise. (The Wizard of Russia Has Been Exposed 25 November 2011 Editorial). TMT – АД); crunch point (sergeidorogan); crossroads (pl обыкн. употр. с гл. в ед. ч.); the hump (AKarp); crossway; game-changer (Lady Gala); difference maker (VLZ_58); pivot (DC); marked difference (в зависимости от контекста, напр., There is a marked difference in the data once first clamp completion percentages reach 80%. vlad-and-slav); watershed (Many are calling the booing incident against Vladimir Putin last Saturday during the Monson-Emelianenko mixed martial arts match a watershed mark in Putin’s inevitable demise. (The Wizard of Russia Has Been Exposed 25 November 2011 Editorial). TMT Alexander Demidov); inflection point (в истории, в экономике Kassandra); landmark (в истории / Пример употребления в рус. яз.: ... эта битва явилась переломным моментом в ходе Второй мировой войны. ...); transformative moment (преобразующий общество момент: It was the single most transformative moment in our history Taras); milestone (Tanya Gesse)
Игорь Миг landmark turning point
avia. breaking point
busin. crucial point
cliche. pivotal moment (Bean described a pivotal moment when he decided to turn away from a destructive path, embrace faith, and make God the priority in his life. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
dipl. critical stage
fig. juncture (A.Rezvov)
fig.of.sp. watershed moment (bigmaxus)
hist. transformational event (Las Vegas Review-Journal Alex_Odeychuk); fateful moment (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
journ. high noon (Taras)
lit. kairotic moment (telltalerin)
Makarov. the tipping point (момент, когда незначительные изменения приводят к большим сдвигам)
med. break point
media. watershed episode (bigmaxus); turning tide (Gains Near Bakhmut Raise Ukraine’s Hopes of a Turning Tide nytimes.com Mr. Wolf)
mil. critical moment; turning point (в ходе боя); critical point (в ходе боевых действий); turning point (в ходе боя); zero hour
rhetor. make-or-break moment (Alex_Odeychuk); game-changer (Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг, bible.term. road to Damascus (в чьей-либо жизни; Acts 9)
переломный момент
: 29 phrases in 10 subjects
Mass media4
Research and development1