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перекрыть vstresses
gen. bridge; obscure (один звук другим q3mi4); cordon off (дороги, улицы, центр города и т.д.: On Monday, police cordoned off entry points to determine if drivers had a valid reason to be in Moscow, according to state media and witnesses. Халеев); bestraddle; bestride; crossruff; occlude; overcover; overtrump; re cover; close off (Fighting to close off the enemy's escape routes, the Americans called in renewed air strikes, including B-52's.); bridge over; close; cut off (water, steam, etc.); dam (a river); drown out (sounds, voices); imbricate; mate with; to re-cover; serve; chain (уличное движение); intercept (перехватить, напр., световой луч); recover; key (закрыть движение в каком-либо направлении Ukraine's President has ordered army reinforcements to key southern and eastern cities in case of a new rebel offensive. Ин.яз); outshine (Alexander Demidov); lap; cap; cover; overlay; span; block (дороги, пути к отступлению и т.п.: Government officials and families who had the means to leave Kunduz fled on Monday, before the Taliban blocked the main routes out. 4uzhoj); shut (доступ); overlap; stop; cover again; re-cover; block (a road)
Gruzovik re-cover; drown out sounds, voices (pf of перекрывать); close (pf of перекрывать); cut off (pf of перекрывать)
Игорь Миг stem; seal the road
amer. button up (все входы и выходы: the place was buttoned up tight Val_Ships)
cards trump; beat
comp., MS override; overlap (To extend over and cover a part of something)
construct. ceil
dril. turn over (кран); wall off (обсадными трубами); block off (обрушающиеся, поглощающие или водоносные горизонты, трубами или цементом)
fig., inf. exceed
Gruzovik, cards beat (pf of перекрывать); trump (pf of перекрывать)
Gruzovik, fig. exceed (pf of перекрывать)
Gruzovik, hydrol. dam a river (pf of перекрывать)
Gruzovik, zool. serve (pf of перекрывать); mate with (pf of перекрывать)
idiom. blow out of the water (Our holiday gift matching campaign was a great success! Thanks to your generosity, we reached $233,286, blowing our original goal of $120,000 out of the water! ART Vancouver)
math. shut down; superimpose
mining. top off
nucl.pow. disconnect (Iryna_mudra)
O&G. tech. blind
tech. cut-off (масло в контуре); shut off (канал в гидропроводе)
traf. shut down (участок дороги / улицу: Richmond Fire and Rescue has alerted the public to stay away from the area and is shutting down a portion of Riverside Drive.  ART Vancouver); close (Police will be closing Riverside Drive at this time and there may be a detour. Please expect minor delays. ART Vancouver)
wood. straddle
перекрыться v
gen. block; bridge over; close; cover; cut off; dam (a river); drown out (sounds, voices); imbricate; mate with; overlay; re-cover; serve; shut down; shut off; span
Gruzovik cover one's head again (pf of перекрываться); change one's headgear (pf of перекрываться)
cards beat; be trumped (другой картой)
fig., inf. exceed
Gruzovik, fig. protect oneself (pf of перекрываться)
Gruzovik, inf. cover oneself (pf of перекрываться); be covered with (pf of перекрываться)
inf. be covered (with); change headgear; cover head again
inf., fig. protect oneself
tech. overlap
перекрыв v
road.wrk. break
: 119 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Card games1
Gas processing plants2
Mass media1
Oil and gas1
Oil and gas technology4
Proper and figurative3
Quality control and standards2
Rail transport1
Security systems1