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verb | verb | to phrases
перевёртывать vstresses
gen. invert; upturn; cant; reverse; overthrow; disorganize; think over; turn upside-down; overturn; turn; to; to turn upside-down; cast down; disorder
Gruzovik disorder (impf of перевернуть); disorganize (impf of перевернуть); turn over
construct. roll over
fig. stagger; stun
fig., inf. alter; change completely; make a radical change; transform; shake; overwind
Gruzovik, fig. alter (impf of перевернуть); transform (impf of перевернуть); make a radical change (impf of перевернуть); stagger (impf of перевернуть); stun (impf of перевернуть); think over; change completely; shake up
Gruzovik, inf. reverse an article of clothing (impf of перевернуть); turn an article of clothing (impf of перевернуть); screw up too far (= переверчивать); turn up too far (= переверчивать); screw in again (= переверчивать); overwind (= переверчивать); screw in (all, a number of, one after another)
inf. screw in; screw in again; screw up too far; turn up too far; turn (a page); turn everything upside down (when searching for something)
libr. tumble (лист); turn crosswise (лист); turn-over (страницу)
Makarov. turn over (изображение); cant over
mech.eng., obs. turn off
mil., tech. capsize (напр., о лодке)
mining. trip
oil upset
перевёртываться v
gen. capsize; cant; turn over; overthrow; invert; think over; turn upside-down; turn; overturn; turn round
fig. change completely; change radically
inf. cope (with); find a way out (from a difficult economical situation); get spoiled in turning; mange
Makarov. overthrow (overthrew; overthrown); cant over
mil., tech. capsize (напр., о лодке)
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Humorous / Jocular1