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очень жальstresses
gen. too bad; it's a great pity (AMlingua); it is a thousand pities; that's a pity; that's too bad (Это не про "плохо". Lyubov_Zubritskaya); it is a great pity
Игорь Миг it's really a shame; it's a shame
inf. that's a shame (=that's a pity; в т.ч. и с сарказмом: That's a shame that he's thinking of retiring, I remember that shop from my childhood. sophistt)
очень жаль!
gen. the pity of it!; it is too bad!
Очень жаль
gen. it's unfortunate (Taras)
Очень жаль!
gen. it is a great pity! (kee46)
очень жаль
: 30 phrases in 4 subjects