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patents. characterized in that (стандартное выражение в пункте формулы изобретения Максик); characterised in that (серёга); wherein (стандартная формулировка из формул изобретения. Пример:: 2. A system according to claim 1, wherein... = 2. Система по п. 1, отличающаяся тем, что... merrycurly); characterized by (Under the European Patent Convention (EPC), a claim must define the matter for which the protection is sought in terms of technical features. These technical features can be either structural (e.g. a nail, a rivet) or functional (e.g. fastening means). Regarding the structure of a claim, under the European Patent Convention, what is called the "preamble" is different from the meaning the "preamble" has under U.S. patent law. In an independent claim in Europe, the preamble is everything which precedes the expression "characterized in that" or "characterized by" in a claim written according to the so-called "two-part form", and therefore everything which is regarded as known in combination within one prior art document, namely the closest prior art document. For this reason, in Europe, the preamble of a claim is sometimes also called "pre-characterizing portion" (WK) Alexander Demidov); bei Verbesserungen whereas the improvement consists in
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math. differ in the fact that; be different in that; be distinctive in that
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: 15 phrases in 12 subjects
Mass media1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Wood processing1