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отдать должноеstresses
отдавать должное; отдать дань; отдать дань памяти; отдать последний долг
gen. do justice to (кому-либо, чему-либо); give proper respect (alia20); give a credit (кому-либо VenoM); give credit (to someone; for + gerund/noun; кому-либо ART Vancouver); regard (andreevna); pay tribute (литературн. перевод Caithey); reward; give credit where credit is due (VLZ_58); give it to ("After that 10 minutes I thought we dominated the game, but you've got to give it to their goalie." VLZ_58); hand it to (We have to hand it to our teacher for being patient and understanding. Нужно отдать должное нашему учителю за терпение и понимание. Andy); credit (Ovechkin credited the Capitals penalty kill, which denied the Flyers on 3-of-4 power-play opportunities. VLZ_58); pay one's final respects (VLZ_58); give someone points for (Her choice wasn't that bad so we'll give her points for that Olya34)
amer. give someone props (to give someone props is to pay respect, often reluctantly, with newfound appreciation, or with implicit acknowledgement that the respect is long overdue. It's a new noun of American origin, dating from the 1980s, and it was originally short for "proper respect" or "proper recognition". It's usually treated as plural: I've got to give props to Roger for the way he handled that situation Taras)
idiom. do sb. credit (Some half-hour later, refreshed and strengthened, I opened the envelope, and no wonder the writing had seemed unfamiliar, for it was from Uncle Tom, and he hadn't written to me since I was at my private school, when, to do him credit, he had always enclosed a postal order for five or ten bob. (P.G. Wodehouse) – следует отдать ему должное ART Vancouver)
inf. give dues (e.g. to give it its dues Халеев)
lit. render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's
Makarov. do justice to (кому-либо чему-либо); do justice to someone, to something (кому-либо, чему-либо); give someone credit (кому-либо); render someone his due (кому-либо)
notar. pay a debt; pay what is due
slang give props to (Liv Bliss); shoot the works ("Billy shot the works when he bought his bike. He got a bell, a light, a basket, and chrome trimmings on it too". == "Билли получил все, что только было можно: и звонок, и фонарь, и корзина, и хромовая отделка. Повезло ему!" - говорит Джон Мику об удачной покупке велосипеда.)
subl. pay one's last respects (умершему Александр_10)
отдать кому-либо должное
idiom. give someone that (That boy does know his dragons, I give him that. Ant493)
отдать должное кому-либо
idiom. take off one's hat to someone (You have to take off your hat to the person who organized the sporting event Taras)
отдать кому-либо должное
Makarov. do right
отдал должное
gen. paid tribute (French president Nicolas Sarkozy paid tribute to Desjoyeaux and his achievement lsavoj)
отдать кому-л. должное
gen. do smb. justice
отдать должное
: 35 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Cliche / convention1