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verb | verb | to phrases
отвозить vstresses
gen. get; drive (someone to a certain place); take back; take up; carry; cart; convey; draw; transport; pull; take; draw off; cart away
construct. cart away (напр, землю)
context. drop off (at some place – куда-либо: Once Wendell packages and labels everything, she drops it off at the lab and then it's up to the detectives to track down the suspects. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. beat (pf of возить); drag in the mud; drag through the mud; flog (pf of возить); beat up (pf of возить); beat unmercifully (pf of возить)
Gruzovik, transp. take away (impf of отвезти); cart away (impf of отвезти)
inf. beat up; drag; drag the mud; flog; pass (over); run (over); beat unmercifully
Makarov. drive to a place (кого-либо что-либо куда-либо); drive to (куда-либо); take away; take someone, something somewhere (куда-либо; кого-либо, что-либо); take to (a place; куда-либо)
отвозиться v
Gruzovik, inf. stop being naughty
inf. flog; beat
: 30 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Waste management1