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одним махомstresses
gen. in one sitting (Ivan Pisarev); in a single go (Windystone); sweepingly (The order, which sweepingly included Hooker, Franklin, Newton, and Brooks, was not approved, and General Burnside was superseded by Major-General ... Alexander Demidov); all in one gesture (alenushpl); in one swoop (NGGM); in a stroke (So Meciar pounced, denouncing the "Hungarian menace," undoing in a stroke four years of hard work by Slovakia's current government to integrate representatives of the ethnic Hungarian minority into Slovakia's government. stonedhamlet); in one fell swoop; at a single bound; at one fell swoop; wham-bam; at a stroke; at one bout; at one fling; at one stroke; in one fell swoop (Alexander Demidov); with one sweep (Anglophile); in one stroke (Anglophile); holus bolus; wham bam; in one piece (Zvenit); at a heat; all in one go (Achieved in one single event or action wordwebonline.com Alexander Demidov); in one whack (PanKotskiy); at a single stroke (at a (single) stroke, at one stroke: with a single immediate action ▪ They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke. OALD Alexander Demidov); at a whack (Taras); at one whack (Taras); at one go (Taras); straightaway (исходя из контекста Abysslooker); all at once; at one lift; at one swoop
fig.of.sp. in one blow (CCK)
idiom. all in one go (You usually collect a lot of files and burn them onto the disc in one go. Также используется вариант "at one go". VLZ_58); overnight (He wants to solve all problems overnight. VLZ_58); in one sitting (I read the book in one sitting and couldn't get to sleep after I finished it. Также используется вариант "at one sitting". VLZ_58); at a blow (Bobrovska)
inf. all in a lump (VLZ_58); holus-bolus; in a row (Andrey Truhachev); in one go (Катю)
lat. per saltum
Makarov. in a whisk; with a whisk; at first dash; at one a dash; at one dash; at the first dash; at a dash
proverb with one stroke (SergeiAstrashevsky)
одним махом
: 41 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1