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общественное слушаниеstresses
gen. public hearing (Committee on Standards in Public Life to Hold First Public Hearing on Party Funding. Report of the public hearing on Horizon 2020 and stem cells research. Planning Inspector's public hearing for Hampshire's Minerals and Waste Plan. Haryana State Pollution Control Board attempted to hold a fake public hearing for the proposed 2800 MW nuclear power plant at ... A public hearing into controversial plans for a waste recycling centre near one of Aberdeen's most popular parks is held. A public hearing into the appeal will take place at West Berkshire Council's office in Market Street, Newbury, on January 22 at 10am. ... the world governing body during the Lance Armstrong scandal will hold a public hearing into setting up a "truth and reconciliation" process.- АД Alexander Demidov)
общественные слушания
gen. community consultation (имеется в виду обсуждение поточных нужд и проектов на уровне микрорайона, города и т.д. Lviv_linguist)
cinema public hearings
el. public hearing
environ. public hearing (Right to appear and give evidence and also right to hear and examine witnesses whose testimony is presented by opposing parties; Право предстать перед судом и дать показания, также право выслушать и допросить свидетелей, чьи показания предоставляются противоположной стороной)
oil public consultations
общественные публичныеслушания
ecol. public consultations
общественное слушание
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects