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gen. buffet (cognachennessy); rain down on (someone Taras); descend on; descend upon; lie at (кого-л.)
Игорь Миг unload on
fig.of.sp. wallop (We're fine until tomorrow night, that's when we get another wallop of wet weather with gusts of wind up to 80 km/h. – на нас обрушится ART Vancouver); batter (storm / snowstorm / windstorm: "The Maritime provinces were battered by a severe winter storm Saturday as a massive low-pressure system brought a mix of heavy snow, ice pellets and rain to the region." (News 1130) ART Vancouver); pummel (Winds pummelled the West Coast, leaving 450,000 hydro customers in the dark. – обрушились на • As fate would have it, the month of October 1966 saw an incredible amount of rain hit the village of Aberfan and its surroundings. Day after day more and more rain pummeled the area. It didn’t just do that, though. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
inf. sail (кого-либо); go for (кого-либо)
inf., idiom. jump down someone's throat (кого-либо)
Makarov. come down on (someone); с критикой, с упрёками; кого-либо); give someone a broadside (с бранью и т. п.; кого-либо); make a descent upon (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. sail into (кого-либо)
mil., book. crack down on
polit. turn on (с критикой; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
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: 116 phrases in 9 subjects
Mass media2