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gen. fall; spread; round; fly round
astronaut. circumnavigate
inf. outfly; travel all over
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gen. earth

verb | verb | to phrases
облетать vstresses
gen. fall (о листьях); spread (о новости chajnik); round; fly round; fall away; fall off; fly past; test (an aircraft); pass in flying; fly around (with acc. or вокруг)
Gruzovik fall off (impf of облететь); fall away (impf of облететь)
Игорь Миг buzz
astronaut. circumnavigate
fig. spread all over; of leaves fall; test-fly
Gruzovik, avia. fly round (impf of облететь); fly past (impf of облететь); pass in flying (impf of облететь); test an aircraft (impf of облететь)
Gruzovik, bot. of leaves, fruit, etc fall (impf of облететь)
Gruzovik, fig. spread (of news, rumors, etc)
Gruzovik, inf. outfly (impf of облететь)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. fly all over (pf of облётывать)
inf. outfly; travel all over
Makarov. fly all over; fly all round; fly around; fly over; fly by; make a trial flight; spread all over (о новостях, сплетнях и т. п.); spread round (о новостях, сплетнях и т. п.); test in flight
Makarov., avia. test-fly (испытать)
облетаться v
gen. become able to gather nectar; fly (all over; also fig colloq); test (an aircraft)
Gruzovik become able to fly (of bees; pf of облётываться)
Gruzovik, beekeep. of bees become able to gather nectar (pf of облётываться); of bees become able to fly (pf of облётываться)
Gruzovik, inf. become suitable for flying (pf of облётываться)
inf. become suitable for flying
Makarov. become accustomed to flight (привыкнуть к полетам)
облетаемый prtc.
avia. flown around
облетающий prtc.
gen. circumvolant (что-либо)
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects