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verb | verb | to phrases
обернуть vstresses
gen. wrap (around); wind; envelop; change; convert; wind round; wrap round; transform; upturn; turn; cloak (Alex_Odeychuk); wreath; wreathe
Gruzovik wrap round (pf of обёртывать); wind round (pf of обёртывать); change (pf of обёртывать); convert (pf of обёртывать); transform (pf of обёртывать)
fin., inf. put into circulation
Gruzovik, fin. put into circulation (pf of обёртывать)
Gruzovik, inf. finish one's work (pf of обёртывать); make a round trip (pf of обёртывать)
inf. finish work; make a round trip; work through
Makarov. go through; turn over; twist round
math. wrap up; cover
обернуться v
gen. look around; turn one's head; get around; wangle; turn head backwards; turn into (о последствиях Pothead); look behind (Andrew Goff); result in (чем-либо D.Lutoshkin); swing round (резко Рина Грант); spin round (Olga Fomicheva); turn around (cognachennessy); change; convert; wind round; wrap round; wrap up; transform; become; face about; turn round; swing to face (someone Рина Грант); shapeshift (Taras); turn back; look back (I realised what I was looking at, and decided that I should not be there. I surfaced quickly and made for the pier as fast as I could. As I made my way in, I was terrified that I was being chased, but I noticed Mr Menzies' nephews playing in a boat tied to the pier, and his black labrador coming into the water to meet me, so I risked to look back and realised that I was alone. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik turn round (pf of обёртываться)
Игорь Миг wind up
fig. work out; bring on (with instr.); result in; cause; turn into (with instr. or в + acc.); play out (о событии Баян); turn out; take a turn; pan out (No matter how things pan out, just know you deserve the fortune or misfortune coming your way. VLZ_58)
fin., inf. put into circulation
Gruzovik, fig. turn out (pf of обёртываться); take a turn (pf of обёртываться)
Gruzovik, inf. change suddenly (pf of обёртываться); take a different direction (pf of обёртываться); go and come back (pf of обёртываться); manage (pf of обёртываться); wrap oneself up in (pf of обёртываться)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. turn into (pf of обёртываться); change into (pf of обёртываться)
inf. return; get back; be back; get by; change suddenly; finish work; go and come back; make a round trip; manage; take a different direction; work through; be in and out (в значении "управиться с делами" // I'll be in and out in no time, and y'all will still be asleep, most likely. / I'll be in and out in ten minutes. 4uzhoj); wrap oneself up (in)
Makarov. turn head; turn head backward; twist round head; come back
обернулось v
gen. has returned in the guise of (чем-либо raf)
: 169 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1
Criminal law1
Information technology1
Obsolete / dated1