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обалдеть vstresses
gen. lose one's mind (Anglophile); go crazy (Anglophile); zone out (Taras); get stunned (4uzhoj); wow (scherfas); be shell shocked (4uzhoj); who do you think you are (Who do you think you are?! – Ты обалдел?! 4uzhoj); be left baffled (leaves me fucking baffled 4uzhoj); be left speechless (leaves me fucking speechless 4uzhoj); be shocked as hell (as fuck, etc. 4uzhoj); fuck up; space out
Игорь Миг be blown away
Gruzovik, inf. go out of one's mind; be stunned by surprise
inf. that's peachy (fa158); be flabbergasted (Andrey Truhachev); go out of mind; flip; stand transfixed (Andrey Truhachev); be astonished (4uzhoj); be stupefied (4uzhoj); be slack-jawed (4uzhoj); be gobsmacked (4uzhoj); flip (You'd flip if you knew what she is really like.); lose mind (Aly19); lose one’s wits; be dumbfounded
psychol. be paralyzed (Andrey Truhachev)
slang flip; hear the birdies sing; freak out (Ivan Pisarev)
обалдеть! v
gen. golly; nuts! (linton); slap my ass and call me Sally! (4uzhoj); oh boy (4uzhoj); Whey-hey! (suburbian); wow that's crazy! (interj. denghu); wowza! (встречено в фильме The Intern, о красивой женщине andreylav); well I'll be a monkey's uncle! (4uzhoj); oh my! (4uzhoj); wowsa (То же, что wowza – https://www.multitran.com/m.exe?s=wowza Alexander Orlov); holy cow! (SvezhentsevaMaria)
Игорь Миг shut the front door!
inf. holy frick! (g e n n a d i); awesome! (Nyufi); that's jaw-dropping! (Andrey Truhachev); I can't believe it! (4uzhoj); that's peachy! (fa158); this is wild! (реакция на нестандартное поведение, напр. автомобиль едет по тротуару и газонам, и водитель не обращает внимания на возмущение пешеходов ART Vancouver); that's crazy! (выражает изумление, шок: "I didn’t expect to see this big black bear and these cubs in my backyard!" "Whoa! That's crazy! Mama Bear and her babies!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
low holy shit! (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang I'll be damned! (Юрий Гомон); I'll be dipped (Jambi_Jack); well, dang! (jagr6880); Jesus Christ on a stick!; holy smokes! (VLZ_58); embassy (causing wonder or astonishment. Replacement for "sweet" (urbandictionary) CCK)
 Russian thesaurus
обалдеть v
gen. потерять дар речи; лишиться дара речи; сойти с ума; быть ошарашенным
обалдеть! v
gen. вот это да!; ничего себе!; с ума сойти!
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects